Nausea/vomiting back with a vengeance at 38 weeks?!
I had bouts of morning sickness through my 1st and early second trimester. But, this nausea, wretching, beltchcing and, well, vomiting in my mouth, has come back with a VENGEANCE today.
I'm a STM at 37+6 weeks pregnant. I had my daughter at 38+0, and have just read about n/v being a sign of labour approaching. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, could it be a sign that I'm close?
Honestly, the thought of dealing with this alongside the crazy BH contractions, lightening crotch, pelvic hurdle pain, waddling around and exhaustion for the next few weeks is NOT what I want. I'm completely at the end of my tether now. How much longer was it for you if you started experiencing this?
Baby is engaged, I was 1cm dilated and 60% effaced at my last appointment 2 weeks ago... If that matters.