I need to migrate my podcast file hosting because Google Drive will no longer serve these kinds of files. Can I just move the files to my own server, and change the links in my blog posts?

I have been using Wordpress.com (the free one) with Feedburner, to post my podcast blog/rss feed, and using Google Drive to store and serve the audio, but Google Drive is eliminating that option (not the files themselves, but the "serving the files to the feed" part of things). So I could use some help making sure that nothing gets lost in transition to hosting the files on another site.

I now have my own website host (not free), so I have a happy little place to put my mp3 files, but I'm not sure how to do this correctly so that iTunes and other podcast subscription options find the files when people request them.

  1. Do I need to use any sort of special file naming convention on the files I put on my website's server for the feed to work?

  2. Will the podcast subscription services be able to find the files for the old episodes as long as the links are updated in the blog? (Or do they somehow store the old links, and I'm screwed?)

Thanks for any help!