not feeling to great about I AM MUSIC

i feel like as of recently we haven’t been really getting the real carti we actually enjoy and he’s trying to appeal to a much broader audience because of how big I iAM MUSIC will be. as we all know carti is known for pushing boundaries and limits when it comes to music as we saw from wlr, die lit, etc. as of recently on features like timeless and blick sum, yea there good songs but this isn’t the carti we truly know and love. i miss those days fighting for my life on apps defending new songs, albums, features etc. with people that didn’t understand the music and now those same fans are trying to come back and say they like him now which doesn’t sit well w me . i just hope he doesn’t change his narrative too much and stays true to himself on this album. if i’m wrong then let me kno but this is just how i feel