What's with all this "Chomper" crap?
Edit: I do not talk during the show. My post is about the whole “anti chomper” thing. Wow, some of you can’t even read…
Been seeing Phish for 30 years and for the most part don't say a word while the band is playing, but since when did this crowd get so focused on managing the behvior of others that some folks started making clothing, stickers and cards to let the other concertgoes know not to talk during the show? It's a rock concert - where many people are drunk/high and more. Why do they think it's up to them to manage the behavior of complete strangers? I get it, they're annoying. I've been the sober guy at the show for 15 years now and have bore witness to all sorts of jackassery, but it's all to be expected. This ain't the symphony.
Rant over...