Seriously, WTF is wrong with people especially in South Philly?

Can anyone give me a reasonable explanation for why people here can't seem to A.) stop at red lights, B.) stop at stop signs, C.) wait until the crosswalk is clear before turning left, D.) control your dumb ass dogs that are a refection of your intelligence and personality, and E.) not act out like a petulant six year old when called out on this shit? What's the story? What prevents people here, and especially in South Philly, from behaving like civilized and functional members of a society?

I ask because I have lived in cities all my life and have never experienced the sort of self centered tomfuckery that happens here. I would really like to understand this and get beyond the typical "it's Philly, get used to it" or "nobody likes us and we don't care" b.s. This pathology goes well beyond just wanting to be edgy and trying to prove it. Is it lead poisoning? Inbreeding? For drivers is it wanting to get home quickly so that you can watch the recap of the Eagles game because your life is completely devoid of meaning or anything interesting aside from that? A need to get home before your partner eats the last TastyKake? What could be so important that you are willing to run people over? Why do you drive so aggressively but waddle down the streets so slowly, often three to four abreast? Why do you not seem to understand how doors work? Jesus Christ, there has to be some sort of explanation besides just being a collection of jerks.