OTF is better than Barry’s

I, like many others, was curious about Barry’s because of how similar it seemed to be to OTF. Just gave Barry’s 2 chances. OTF is better. Here’s my reasoning if anyone is curious. I did double floor.

1) The floor work outs are so bizarre!!! There’s zero structure to the floor work outs and I felt like it was a mixture of aerobics/yoga/flexibility and some functional strength training. At some points, I was like wtf is this? They have a ton of heavy weight options but I couldn’t have imagined using them as the work outs were just weird and def not good for heavy weights. Maybe I didn’t like it because I’m used to traditional weight lifting, and Barry’s is FAR from that.

2) it’s QUICK! There’s no time to even complete two sets of the same exercise because before you know it, you’re onto the next. Yes, it’s HARD. But I believe the only reason it’s hard is because it’s so quick.

3) SO expensive. This is self explanatory.

4) The area in which you can workout in on the floor is so close to the person next to you. They really pack as many people as possible in there.

All in all, my experience was sub pair. They consider themselves “the best workout in the world” but IMO, Orange theory is. At OTF, you can really take your time lifting and focus on form/technique. People always say Barry’s is OTF’s mean older brother and it’s more of a club like atmosphere, but I would describe it as Barry’s is the older brother who is a DJ and is actually far less educated and successful than OTF😜😂Anyway I hope this helps anyone thinking of trying Barry’s. You’ll probably like OTF better.