What are your experiences with Temple Beth Hatfiloh?

I've been interested in recon Judaism for quite a while now and am moving up to Olympia in a little bit less than a year! I decided that when I move I'd finally bite the bullet and instead of just reading books, I'd like to attend a few services(only the ones where non-jewish people are welcome of course) and potentially pursue official conversion! (I will still continue to read books though!). Now I am physically and mentally disabled as well as a visibly queer person, so accessibility and an accepting community are pretty important to me. I've looked at their website, seen tours and videos, etc. and it looks like an actual dream. Extremely and I mean extremely (in a very very good way) accessible, accepting, etc. Buuuut I would also like to hear what peoples experiences there are! Is it as great in person as it seems online? What are your experiences there! Thank you!

(PS: sorry for the double post of this, I accidentally prematurely clicked post earlier, think I deleted it but sometimes Reddit glitches and does not)