DD-214 Lessons Learned

Hey everyone,

I separated this past Friday and got my DD 214 today, Monday. I have so much knowledge about the separation process that I no longer have a need for. I'm sharing it here and hope that it's useful to somebody.

Here are the rough steps.

  1. Admin opens a separation case in Salesforce.
    1. They need two things from you - DD 2586 VMET/JST and your completed NPPSC 1900/1 Separations Questionnaire.
    2. The only heavy lifting here is getting the medical and dental endorsements on the questionnaire.
    3. Note: ask your admin for your case number. This can come in handy later.
    4. Note: NPPSC forms can only be opened in Adobe.
  2. Submit separation package via the NPPSC 1900/2 Separation Checklist. You'll need
    1. The two things from step 1 - DD 2586 VMET/JST and Separations Questionnaire. Admin will get the questionnaire signed by the CO.
    2. DD 2648 Pre-Separation/Transition Counseling Checklist. You do this with your CCC before TGPS. You can pull this off milConnect.
    3. Separation orders.
    4. Terminal leave chit if you're taking it.
    5. Note: There will be other items on this checklist but what I listed are the key things. And technically, though no one will tell you this, they're the only required items.
  3. Wait ugh.
    1. Your package gets sent to either TSC Norfolk or PSD San Diego. I think it's random. Mine got sent to the opposite coast.
    2. Eventually, a worksheet (draft of your DD 214) will get generated by TSC Norfolk/PSD San Diego. This will show up in NSIPS.
  4. Verify your worksheet.
    1. NSIPS -> ESR (on the left tab) -> Retirements and Separations -> DD 214.
    2. If it's accurate, mark it as accurate, save, and route. If not, mark it as inaccurate, note the discrepancies, attach any supporting docs, save, and route.
  5. Wait ugh part 2.
    1. If you navigate to your DD 214 in NSIPS, you'll see little status updates. I think they were like "Queued for Transmission", "Approved", "Completed". Or something like that.
    2. TSC Norfolk/PSD San Diego sends the final version of the DD 214 to BOL.
  6. Sign it.
    1. BOL -> NPC Document Services -> To-do (tab at the top).
    2. If you're on terminal leave, admin can sign it for you.
  7. Get it.
    1. My admin DoD SAFE'd it to me. I think if you sign it from NPC Document Services, you can get it then as well.

There are three ways to get status updates.

  • MNP has a case status tab. Pretty useless in my opinion.
  • Admin can check your case in Salesforce. Equipped with the knowledge from this post, you should be able to dig deeper than "it's pending".
  • MNCC. Their phone number is 901-874-6622. Open 24/7. If admin isn't cooperative, MNCC can provide the same information. I called them like everyday. Give them the case number from step 1.

I think that's it. It's sad that so much of the separation process is a black box. I hope this helps. Happy to answer any questions.

Edit: I forgot to add one more thing. If you’re getting desperate, you can get in contact with your representative. I reached out to mine, filled out a privacy release form, and they said they’d reach out to PERS and get back to me in a month at most. I got my DD 214 shortly after I sent the privacy release form, so I told them I was good.