I'm calling it - she did this herself


I'm willing to bet little miss drama did this herself to play the victim.

A few weeks ago the following exchange happened at my house, near the Nanaimo Hospital

Doorbell Rings

Me: [on my way to my laundry room, questioning myself why I have not put up a NO SOLICITING sign. I do not have time for door to door anything.] Opens door

Fellow on my doorstep with pamphlet: Hello, I am with the Conservative Parry

Me: Slams door, continues to laundry room

Me: returns to front door, finds fellow most of the way back to the road so I call to him: You know the Conservative Party is anti kindness, anti progress, and anti humanitarian, right? You should actually be questioning your politics

Returns to laundry room

Knock knock knock on front door

Me : opens door

Woman on porch, in a syrupy sweet voice all but clutching her pearls: I just thought if you were going to yell at my volunteer, maybe you'd like to yell at me instead

Me: I didn't yell at your volunteer, I yelled to him. He was far away

Her: Well, he is just a volunteer, he shouldn't be yelled at

Me: You and he came to MY door. You invited my opinion. Which is - All Right Wing politics are against kindness, against progresd, and nothing that comes from the Right Wing makes the world a better place. I suggested he may want to reconsider his position.

Her: Do you do any volunteering??

Me: Yes! I'm freaking busy doing household chores tonight because I was busy away volunteering all weekend!