Come to the realization that Idiocracy (2005) has one of the most realistic future technology to timeline ratios I've ever seen.

In too many futuristic sci-fi movies we're shown a near future full of flying cars, cyborgs, androids, energy weapons, aliens, space travel, miracle medicine and so on. Usually anywhere from 10-100 years in the future. Movies like Bladerunner which takes place in 2019, hot tub time machine 2: 2020, the fifth element: 2015, 2001 a space odyssey (though I suppose we can credit their advancements to the monolith), robocop: 2044 and so on and so forth.

In the case of Idiocracy there could conceivably be biological bar codes, more advanced medicine, vehicles that would look strange to us, automated turrets, monster trucks with weapons attached, societal decline, waste management issues etc. 500 years in the future.

Nothing about it seemed too far fetched for that time scale compared to other movies.