Dropped my bike
So I was coasting a little bit light to light because I knew the next light ahead was already red, going about 35+ in a 40 not long distances and some dude behind me got impatient and started passing me on the shoulder. And gesturing to me I was honking at him and looking at him to my right (stupid thing to do) and I look up and I’m about to drive through a red light going about 35-40 I slam my brakes a little not all the way and my bike starts sliding (back tire coming forward from the right side, AND ITS ABS?? Why??) I get up to the intersection line passing it and my bike still isn’t stopped. It starts to tip as I’m trying to control it and I hop off the bike as it slams into the floor.. I could’ve tried to get ahold of it longer but then I would be in the middle of the intersection and I didn’t know it the cars were going to drive out. Why the hell didn’t the abs kick in? It’s brand new at that! 350 miles. Fuck the abs, what did I do to cause the front tire to slide forward?