AGS reaping what they've sown with these exploiters
You go easy on people who would guess that in less than a weeks people are exploiting again. Why? Because there's no punishment in this game for cheating. I have a skill testing question for anyone familiar with ignitegate, HOW MANY PLAYERS DID AGS COMMIT TO BANNING? THE ANSWER IS 0
Read this again: Players that opened 15+ chests will receive a notice that they have received a 30-day suspension and are pending further review. This group will have various levels of action taken, up to permanent bans from the game.
Based on the statement AGS made 0 players could be permanently banned and the statement would still be true. It's smartly worded because they have not committed to perma ban anyone it gives them an out. We shouldn't have accepted such weak enforcement of the ToS from AGS and I'm happy it took so little time for my point to be proven. Here's the statement we should have got:
Players that opened 15+ chests will receive a notice that they have received a permanent ban from the game.
Weak ToS enforcement means cheaters stay playing and you reap what you sow AGS.