Switched from Prozac, what to expect??

I feel like this is the umpteenth psych med sub I’ve joined because nothing seems to work for me. I was on Prozac for about a year and a half for severe panic disorder and while it started off great, eventually my panic attacks came back and wouldn’t budge no matter what so my doctor just kept increasing my dose until I was up to 40mg. The only thing that happened was that I gained over 30lbs and I somehow developed this debilitating depression that left me laying in bed all day every day and neglecting my health/hygiene. I ghosted that doctor and found a new one who told me to stop taking Prozac today and immediately start taking the 10mg Lexapro.

I know everyone reacts differently to medications but how have everyone’s experiences been? Did you gain/lose weight and how have the effects been on your depression and energy levels? I’m just tired of wasting my life and I’m praying that this medication is the one that will work for me 🙏🏻