Thank you and goodbye lexapro 💖

I would like to start off with saying lexapro saved my life. 2 years ago I wanted to harm myself and now I can't get enough of life. It cured my depression, panic disorders, and chronic brain fog and DPDR. I'm so thankful it turned my life around.

However my journey with Lexapro is coming to an end, because I will be switching to Trintellix. I don't regret lexapro but the sexual side effects are horrible for me. I've been with my partner for almost two years now and have not finished more than 10 times. It was super frustrating, and now I hope Trintellix will help me with that.

I hope lexapro will impact your life the way it impacted mine.

P.s I'm also on wellbutrin and vyvanse for adhd and energy levels. (Lexapro used to make me tired) Also

I would like to start off with saying lexapro saved my life. 2 years ago I wanted to harm myself and now I can't get enough of life. It cured my depression, panic disorders, and chronic brain fog and DPDR. I'm so thankful it turned my life around.

However my journey with Lexapro is coming to an end, because I will be switching to Trintellix. I don't regret lexapro but the sexual side effects are horrible for me. I've been with my partner for almost two years now and have not finished more than 10 times. It was super frustrating, and now I hope Trintellix will help me with that.

I hope lexapro will impact your life the way it impacted mine.

P.s I'm also on wellbutrin and vyvanse for adhd and energy levels. (Lexapro used to make me tired) Also