How long to stick it out?
I’ve tried a few SSRIs for panic/anxiety over the past decade but never stuck with them through the dizziness side effect after a few days.
This year I developed GAD and started to feel anxious and dizzy in my own house, so I felt I could not longer just ignore/deal with my anxiety.
My psychiatrist had me start on Lexapro at 2.5mg to hopefully minimize side effects. That was November 12th. I stepped up to 5mg two weeks ago.
Besides an upset stomach I really don’t feel any different. Still struggling to sleep with anxiety at night. Still struggling not to panic during certain social interactions.
How many weeks would you suggest I keep going before I call it quits? I meet with my doc on Monday but we are really all just guessing here. I was thinking 4 weeks at 5 mg if I don’t feel any better I may stop.
Thanks in advance.