Stuck in a lease after being cheated on
Hey everyone,
Well, my worst nightmare came true—I just found out she’s been cheating after seven years together. We’re not married, but we do share a lease that doesn’t end until late July.
I was the primary breadwinner, and she can’t afford rent on her own, so she’s trying to find someone to sublease—even though our lease agreement explicitly prohibits it.
At this point, I want to either terminate the lease early or take over the rent entirely so I can remove her from it. My main priority is getting out of this situation while protecting my credit. I do have other places to go if early termination is an option, but I’m also willing to tough it out going 50/50 untilJuly if that’s the best course of action. But I also don’t really trust her to pay me on time being that I handled everything financial.
What’s the smartest way to handle this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: Both of our names are on the lease so I can’t kick her out.