A quick story about why you should manifest a loving relationship instead of an SP.
A few weeks ago, I met someone who came across as the perfect match — we spent a long time talking on the phone, he made me laugh and we had a lot of interests in common. I truly thought that someone that I had been trying to manifest had come along and, when he did not reply to a text, I started to manifest a message from him. Because I wanted, REALLY BADLY, for it to work out.
I did get a message asking to hang out and even an apology for disappearing but not before I discovered through a mutual friend that this person was messaging several women at once and telling them different stories about his background. I now realize just how much time I could have wasted trying to manifest someone who would have eventually come out as a dishonest person and blocking any progress of finding the right relationship.
It might be tempting to manifest an SP you think is your soulmate but truly believing in the law means knowing that what is right for you will find you even when it doesn’t feel that way right now