Looking for Sitcom K-Dramas
Hi! I’m very new to K-Dramas and am looking for something comedic and light. The only K-Dramas I have watched are Squid Game and A Killer Paradox, but I am looking for something significantly lighter. I really enjoyed the characters in Squid Game and the interactions between them. I wasn’t a fan of the pacing of A Killer Paradox, it felt just a little slow. Some of my favorite tv shows are Community, Parks and Rec, The Good place, That’s 70s Show, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, etc. I don’t mind romance, but I don’t really want it to be the main plot. I’ve read that sitcom like shows can be hard to find, so I’m definitely open to slice of life and anything that would be similar. I really want a show with somewhat complex characters and group interactions that make the whole show better/what it is.