Help with being more interactive and authentic
Hello, beautiful souls. I hope you all are doing well. I am reaching out to you today with one of the aspects with which I struggle the most. It is staying interactive and authentic in a conversation.
I have found expressing myself particularly difficuly ever since I can remember. Journaling and writing has helped me keep my sanity intact somehow but when it comes to interact with people one on one, and especially in a group I started to break. I become overly cautious of what I say and how will my response affect the conversation and the person/people on the opposite end that I end up saying something that is very safe to put out there. I am afraid and more than afraid, lost in touch with my own authenticity to speak my heart. And the worst part is, I even do this around people who are closest to me. Its breaking my soul now.
I have dealt with major self esteem issues and social anxiety since childhood. Now, I am trying to work my way to overcome it and become a better conversationalist as it is affecting every aspect of my life.
I will more than appreciate any pearls of wisdom or advice that you can send my way.
Sending lots of love your way, S 🌸