All the problems with "the Strangers"

1) There was simply no reason to put the victims in a position where they were invincible if they were just going to leave it like idiots. Why were they allowed to get huddled at the end of a long corridor with their backs to the wall, armed with a shotgun against killers who didn't know they were there, killers who had nothing to compete with a shotgun? It was unbelievably bad writing.

2) All that build up just to suddenly see the victims tied to chairs where they're simply knifed was terrible as well.

3) No justification for showing the end of the movie at the beginning either.

4) The record player setup was unnecessarily ruined by revealing that the victims just leave it spinning all the time anyway. No more worrying that something is about to happen when they play a record just b/c the opening shot showed a record still spinning with blood all over the place. Totally incompetent.

5) "Stay here, I'll go get help"? After he already knew that the killers are in the house? What? After he found his phone that he left in the car on top of the piano where the killer must have put it, this is a good idea to NO ONE. 0 ppl would say this, exactly 0. The intelligence required to put that sentence together is far greater than how stupid you'd have to be to actually say it.

6) You know the trope where a demon or ghost will just stand there in the background and not do anything before disappearing and it's supposed to be scary? It's really annoying when that's done for the first 80% of a movie before the demon/ghost does anything. It's lazy. I've NEVER seen a non-supernatural villain do that though. Not until I saw The Strangers. You can't even argue that the villains are just tormenting their victims before killing them because the first time it happens, the guy is standing in their house without their knowledge and just stands there until she turns around, at which point he's already gone. Next time he's seen, he's seen outside their window. First, why the hell would he exit the house after he's already in? Second, how did he even get in the house? If he broke in, he did so silently, impossibly, without leaving any evidence of it. So what, was the backdoor just unlocked this entire time? It seems like it must have been, because there's no other explanation for how the villains just appear wherever they want to be. Maybe the first draft of this was a ghost story.

Do you think this was better than Straw Dogs? What's the point of a movie that's strictly inferior to similar, earlier movies? Actually, just name a single worse home invasion movie.

The Strangers is indefensible, as proven by this comment section.