FHOA these mfers grinding me hard.

First it was not being allowed to park on the street, despite the street being quite wide. So I had to beg the neighbor to let me park in her driveway, or it's towed and I get a fine from HOA. This is particularly annoying seeing how the neighbors across the street always park in the street, and they told me the HOA never bothers them about it.

Then it was the side panel of my house. The neighbors said that it hadn't been cleaned in years, I planned to clean it but with my busy work schedule it was hard to find time. They sent me a notice saying they would fine me if I didn't power wash it. So I had to take a day off work to clean my damn panel. I wanted to do it during my time off but the HOA gave me a 30 day time frame and it's almost impossible for me to get time off. I had to BEG my shithead boss to let me have a day so I wouldn't be fined a couple hundred dollars. Once again, some of the neighbors houses exteriors are covered in a green film. Selective bias.

Finally they've recently been harassing me about my privacy fence. A fence that has been here since the house was constructed, HOA never bothered the previous owner, and now I'm told I have to reduce my fence size. It's already not that tall, and we have very nosey neighbors so it wsd nice to have some privacy.

I have 30 days to reduce the top size of my fence or they will subsequently fine me until it's fixed.

I literally cannot stand these mfers, from the second I move in they are down my throat.