How do you prefer foreign languages to be handled in fantasy writing?
Let's say that we have a story where the protagonist is being escorted to meet the Elves for the first time to appeal for their help. At first encounter, the Elves seem upset and begin speaking with the escort in Elvish. Do you prefer:
- Write out what they're saying and offer translations in the back of the book.
- Write out what they're saying and have the escort translate in real time.
- Write out what they're saying, but offer no translation, leaving the reader as unsure as the protagonist.
- Don't write out what they're saying, but describe how it sounds from the protagonist's POV.
- Other
I understand this scenario can vary wildly, and so can preferences, from story to story. I'd like to feel this out very generally. How do you typically prefer this type of scenario to be handled?
Thanks! 🍻