I saw Wicked recently. I can’t quit thinking about it.
The other day was HARD. I responded to a question on a faithful sub. I answered honestly without being accusatory, but it very much was taken as I was trying to destroy testimonies. I certainly was not. I was honestly trying to answer the OP’s question. A kind gentleman responded with his understanding and would have been enough on its own for me to continue to look for truth with in the so called church. The OP, however, basically accused me of lying and trying to attack his religion. In the end, he did not want an answer to his question. He wanted an echo chamber that told him it was harder to be a man in the church than a woman.
Follow that encounter up with seeing Wicked for the 1st time. Now I’m standing here realizing I have to decide…an I Galinda or Elphaba. Do I lose me or all the people around me? My TBM husband doesn’t understand why that movie would make me cry so hard. Sigh… thanks for listening to my musings.