Away from the whole Maddy and Cassie being Best Friends thing, Would Nate and Cassie make sense? Think about it as in another universe where Maddy and Cassie weren’t best friends and there was no Jules.. would they make sense?

This is not me in any way shape or form trying to ship them, I’ve just always been curious if they genuinely would suit each other, and if they suit each other more than Nate and Maddy or Cassie and McKay.. I’ve always wondered.. based off personalities and past actions.. I will however admit that they suit each other based on appearance side by side, but I don’t know if they suit each other based off personality and mentality and they’re did, done’s. We don’t really see much of romance between them like we do in Season 1 with Maddy and Nate or Cassie and McKay for an example like Nate doing all those romantic gestures for Maddy or McKay just simply having sweet conversations with Cassie and her literally swallowing a goldfish for him. We only ever see intimate scenes with Cassie and Nate so it’s hard to really say whether they suit each other or not.. the only real romantic scene I see, is when Cassie comforted Nate about a nightmare.. that being said, this begs the question, do they suit each other?