Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, very low libido, long refractory period, what is happening ?
33 years old with no condition or maybe sleep apnea (I have tried the cpap for 2 months with no satisfactory results), trying to figure out what the hell is happening with my body.
I saw an urologist and an endocrinologist and they told me that biologically there's no problem and maybe it's psychological !
I stopped smoking, stopped drinking cafe, I eat healthy, walk every day.
Took a lot of supplement in the past years with medium effects.
The biological tests that I did are for : total testosterone, prolactine, estrogen, progesterone.
What I am thinking to do :
- Try Calcium D Glucorate, DIM, L-Citrulline.
- Tests for : DHT, Androstenedione.
What do you think about it ?
Thank you.