Footswitch replacement questions

Hello pedal tinkerers,

I recently bought a used Templodevices Reel Dealuxe and noticed that occasionally stepping on the footswitch will act like I quickly pressed it twice. It happens with both switches. It's not that often, but often enough to be a little annoying, especially playing live. No response from the manufacturer. I've been thinking about trying to replace the switches myself, but I have almost no soldering experience. Below is a gutshot of the thing. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask about this kind of stuff, but here are some questions I have:

  1. Would it be easy for someone who has very little experience to swap out these switches for new ones? If so what kind of switches exactly might I need? A quick google search has told me that I'm looking at an SPST momentary switch, but I don't know for sure if that's true or if there are subcategories within that designation that I should be looking out for too.
  2. If it might be too difficult for a beginner, where's the best place to look for someone who might be able to do it for me? Builders here? Builders on Reverb? Local guitar/amp techs? Honestly even if it is a somewhat easy job I would still lean toward taking it to someone with a lot of experience.
  3. Is there a way to repair these switches so I don't have to replace them? I already tried contact cleaner but am open to other suggestions.
  4. If this is the wrong place to ask, would someone kindly direct me to the right place?

Thanks so much or I'm so sorry, whichever makes the most sense