To whoever baited me and killed me...
Last night: official aussie server 3644
Just outside Novy Sobor
I'm <100 hours in and I'm absolutely hooked on this game (lifestyle?) I have tonnes to learn and have had few PvP encounters, but every one of them has been memorable, the one last night most of all.
I was looting Gorka and heard some maniacal fire from SW somewhere. Gorka was pretty quiet so I went to investigate. In the 20 minutes or so it took me to get there, there were bursts of fire every couple of minutes. About ten rounds of something big, only the one gun type, and then another break. The thought occurred to me that it might be a trap? Who would be shooting that much without anyone returning fire? I was just too curious, and was kitted nicely - full armour, an M16 with 2 mags, a VS-89 with a couple clips and a song in my heart after killing a couple of people in town. So let's investigate.
I arrive at the source of the shooting, it's coming from Novy, so I take a spot in the trees to the East and pull out my binoculars to have a look. I was there for about 10 seconds before I heard the crack of a silenced shot going into the tree beside me. I've walked straight into a trap.
So I bolt deeper into the trees and pop an adrenaline shot - I'm fkn booking it. I only ever play solo so there's no way I'm taking a fight without knowing what I'm up against. I'm sprinting as fast as my little legs will take me, East, South, serpantining through the scrub, and a couple of shots land near me. How is this guy close to me?? How many am I up against here?? The adrenaline finally wears out and I'm knackered, so I crouch in a thick bush to catch my breath - then I hear a voice say "Hello!? Fucker! Stay right there and don't move." I have no idea how someone is still close to me at this stage but that doesn't matter, they're on to me.
Obviously, I'm not going to do what he says, I'd rather go down swinging than hand over all my shit and probably die anyway. So I'm off again, serpantining my way across a tiny field and then hopefully i can turn around and go on the offensive. A bullet breaks my leg and I'm prone. I turn to return fire and I THINK I hit his body? He had plate so it didn't matter anyway. But after a few desperate shots and three broken limbs, he finally ends my misery with a head shot and everything goes black.
I just want to say to my hunter, well played. I fell for your trap hook, line and sinker. It was the scariest gaming moment of my life, being hunted by a human player. The thrill was unmatched. I was not your equal this time, but lessons were learned and I have nothing but respect for the play.
Enjoy my VS and M16. I'm sure you had something so much better, you probably flung all my shit into the woods, or exploded my corpse with a couple nades or something.
If you read this, hit me up. Solo play is amazing but I'd love to link up with some cold-blooded killers so I can learn the ropes, and this would be a fun origin story.
Dayz Rules.