Heating- first snake
I need help determining if the heating in my setup is enough. First time owner, getting ~1 yr old corn snake. 10 gallon retrofitted tank, substrate is ~1.5 in mix of organic topsoil and Reptisand. Zoo med hermit crab heating pad is under tank on right side (hide will be added). I reduced substrate height to ~0.5 in on top of heater and substrate is reaching 80F. Other side of tank is 70F. Does it need better heating pad, less substrate, or a different kind of heating altogether? Anything helps, thanks.
I need help determining if the heating in my setup is enough. First time owner, getting ~1 yr old corn snake. 10 gallon retrofitted tank, substrate is ~1.5 in mix of organic topsoil and Reptisand. Zoo med hermit crab heating pad is under tank on right side (hide will be added). I reduced substrate height to ~0.5 in on top of heater and substrate is reaching 80F. Other side of tank is 70F. Does it need better heating pad, less substrate, or a different kind of heating altogether? Anything helps, thanks.