I love fat guys so, so very much.

I have multiple types, but big is one of my absolute favorite! So, I'm gonna ramble about that.. Cause I'm bored.

There are a few main reasons, 1. I really like the size difference, I'm 4'11 and 100lbs, it's just.. chefs kiss perfect!! 2. Softness, is there anything better than getting hugged by a bigger person? I'm not kidding is there?? Big teddy bear men give the best hugs!! 3. Hot, just is, I don't have a feeder kink or something I promise but just how they're shaped especially if they have good weight distribution so EVERYTHING is perfectly big, big arms & hands, legs & thighs, chest & belly, round face just ugh.. I love it.

As a kid I was blind.. And stupid, I fell for the picture perfect "typical" hot buff guy thing, but honestly? Not my thing anymore, and I'm glad. Thanks to my fat best friend at the time I realized big guys we're super attractive and just chill, I've never met a mean fat guy, ever. I'm sure they exist but wayyy more fit or skinny guys have been huge dickheads to me than big guys.. Also usually they've funny and into the same stuff I'm into which is nice!

Not to be a white knight for fat guys they don't need me to defend them or anything, but I'm gonna be for a bit. So often I see fat guys told they aren't attractive, which is bullshit and I wish I could tell that to every discouraged big guy. Ugh, it makes me so genuinely sad there's so many guys out there who think NO women would think they're hot and I'm right here!!! It's not even just me, tons of girls like or prefer bigger guys. And for the record it's not just big girls who like big guys, I mean, I'm pretty skinny and I love them.. For some reason though the internet is convinced fat people only like each other which is very stupid.

If you're a big guy reading this you ARE attractive! And you are worthy and deserve love just like everyone else. You don't have to be a buff guy to get girls, you're perfect how you are and people will love you the way you are!! <33

God I could talk about it forever, but I better stop before I make an essay about how big guys are elite. Anywayyy, that's all. <3