What is peak WoW?
Peak WoW was when you were 19 with no responsibility irl.
Peak WoW was when you were sitting in a voice call with ur guildies goofing off and laughing ur asses off at stupid shit and just having a good time.
Peak WoW was when your guild finally killed the boss you've all been struggling on for 2 weeks and hearing each other's nerd screams.
Peak WoW was getting that weapon upgrade that made your character feel stronger and accomplished.
Peak WoW was sitting in town and talking to strangers in /s and actually making new friends.
Peak WoW was hitting that arena rating milestone in 2v2 that you and ur partner have been working towards all season.
Peak WoW was never about the game. It was about the people you met during it. It was about the mmo aspect and the game was secondary.
Peak WoW was when we were having the time of our lives and didn't even realize it...
Peak WoW has come and gone for many of us, and we're just sitting here grasping at the strings of those amazing feelings of the past in an attempt to once again relive something we can never feel again...