Advice on Finding a Private Lyft/Uber Driver for Adult with IDD

I’m looking for a private Lyft/Uber driver for my intellectually disabled adult sister, who lives in a group home and occasionally needs rides to appointments. I’m her legal guardian, but I don’t live in the same town, so I can’t personally test out different drivers to find someone reliable.

The rideshare model is ideal—she can track the car in real time, and I can receive ride updates for added peace of mind. The pricing is transparent and set by mileage, which also makes things easier.

The challenge is that we don’t want to rely on a different driver every time, and my sister is only comfortable with female drivers. Ideally, we’d like to find one or two familiar drivers she can text when needed, and if they’re available and on-call that day, they can take the ride.

Since there’s no public directory of Uber/Lyft drivers (understandably), I’m looking for advice on how to go about finding someone. Has anyone navigated a similar situation? How would you recommend connecting with a driver willing to be a semi-regular option?