Sweden, one the Scandinavian countries so beloved by progressives for their enlightened policies, now says it wants only "honest" immigrants.

Jan. 15, 2025: Sweden announces strict new citizenship policy - including proving you demonstrate 'honest living'

Sweden has announced strict requirements for migrants seeking citizenship - including respecting Swedish values and demonstrating 'honest living'...Migrants are required to take a test on Swedish language, and a test on Sweden's society and values.

The government are also hiking the required time spent in Sweden to obtain citizenship, from five years to eight. Swedish Migration Minister, Johan Forssell, took to Instagram to say "Citizenship must be earned, not be handed out unconditionally".

This policy is likely to discomfit progressives and multiculturalists, who are big on societies and nations "leveling" themselves, accepting people with a wide range of cultural patterns, values and ideologies.