Advanced Popology, vol. 9: Monkey Knowledge

[Updated on 2023-02-23 for v35.x]

Other posts in this series:


Welcome to another installment of Advanced Popology, this time providing detailed information on Monkey Knowledge.

As always, feel free to message me with any corrections or questions, either here on Reddit or on Discord (find me in the Ninja Kiwi server).


Fast Tack Attacks - effect: - tack shooters: 92%s

Hard Tacks - requires: - Fast Tack Attacks - effect: - tack shooters: can pop frozen

Poppy Blades - requires: - Hard Tacks - effect: - x3x+ tack shooters: +2p

Big Inferno - requires: - 5 points invested - Poppy Blades - effect: - 5xx tack shooters: +3r

Icy Chill - requires: - 5 points invested - Hard Tacks - effect: - ice monkeys: +3r, +3pr

So... Cold... - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - Icy Chill - effect: - 1xx+ ice monkeys: permafrost +10% slow

Big Cryo Blast - requires: - 10 points invested - 500 MM - So... Cold... - effect: - xx3+ ice monkeys: +12%pr

Hypothermia - requires: - 10 points invested - 500 MM - So... Cold... - effect: - x4x+ ice monkeys, ability: frozen +1s duration

Fast Glue - requires: - Fast Tack Attacks - effect: - glue gunners: 90%s

More Splatty Glue - requires: - 5 points invested - Fast Glue - effect: - x2x+ glue gunners: +2p

Aviation Grade Glue - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - More Splatty Glue - effect: - xx3+ glue gunners: 45% blimp slow (instead of 37.5%)

Cheaper Solution - requires: - 10 points invested - 500 MM - Aviation Grade Glue - effect: - 400 glue gunners: -$1000

Bonus Glue Gunner - requires: - 10 points invested - 1000 MM - Cheaper Solution - effect: - glue gunners: one free glue gunner, but removes free dart monkey

More Cash - requires: - 10 points invested - 1000 MM - Bonus Glue Gunner, Bonus Monkey! - effect: - game: +$200 starting cash

Mega Mauler - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - Aviation Grade Glue, Hard Press - effect: - x3x+ bomb shooters: +2md

Increased Lifespan - effect: - primary towers: +15% projectile lifetime

Fraggy Frags - requires: - Increased Lifespan - effect: - xx2 bomb shooters: +2j

Budget Clusters - requires: - 5 points invested - Fraggy Frags - effect: - 003 bomb shooters: -$100

Violent Impact - requires: - 10 points invested - 500 MM - Budget Clusters - effect: - 4xx bomb shooters: stun +0.25s duration

Cheap 'Rangs - requires: - Increased Lifespan - effect: - boomerang monkeys: -$50

Extra Bounce - requires: - 5 points invested - Cheap 'Rangs - effect: - 3xx+ boomerang throwers: +30p

Recurring 'Rangs - requires: - 5 points invested - Extra Bounce - effect: - boomerang monkeys: boomerangs follow their path a second time

Hard Press - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - Extra Bounce - effect: - xx4+ boomerang throwers: +30% knockback

Long Turbo - requires: - 10 points invested - 500 MM - Hard Press - effect: - x4x boomerang monkeys, ability: +5s duration

Bionic Augmentation - requires: - 10 points invested - 500 MM - Long Turbo - effect: - x4x+ boomerang monkeys: can see camo while ability is active

Extra Dart Pops - effect: - dart monkeys: +1p

Crossbow Reach - requires: - Extra Dart Pops - effect: - xx3+ dart monkeys: +3r

4 and 4 - requires: - 5 points invested - Crossbow Reach - effect: - x3x+ dart monkeys: +0.25j

Master Double Cross - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - 4 and 4 - effect: - xx5 dart monkeys: can upgrade a second one

Come On Everybody! - requires: - 10 points invested - 500 MM - Master Double Cross - effect: - primary towers: 95%s if all below tier 3, or 95% cost if all tier 3-4

Bonus Monkey! - requires: - 10 points invested - 1000 MM - Come On Everybody! - effect: - dart monkeys: one free dart monkey, but removes free glue gunner

Force vs Force - requires: - 5 points invested - Crossbow Reach - effect: - 4xx+ dart monkeys: +2md


Naval Upgrades - effect: - monkey buccaneers and monkey subs: +1p

Breaking Ballistic - requires: - 4 points invested - Naval Upgrades - effect: - x3x+ monkey subs: explosion +1cd

Quad Burst - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - Breaking Ballistic - effect: - xx2+ monkey subs: subdart +1j

Flanking Maneuvers - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Quad Burst, Trade Agreements - effect: - military towers: 90%s when targeting last

Sub Admiral - requires: - 14 points invested - 1000 MM - Flanking Maneuvers - effect: - xx5 monkey subs: command affects all subs

Big Bloon Sabotage - requires: - 14 points invested - 1000 MM - Sub Admiral, Master Defender - effect: - blimps: 90% health

Big Bunch - requires: - Naval Upgrades - effect: - x1x+ monkey buccaneers: grape +1j

Faster Takedowns - requires: - 4 points invested - Big Bunch - effect: - x4x+ monkey buccaneers, ability: -5s cooldown

Trade Agreements - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - Faster Takedowns - effect: - xx3+ monkey buccaneers: +$20 income

Military Conscription - requires: - 14 points invested - 1000 MM - Trade Agreements - effect: - first military tower: 67% base cost

Airforce Upgrades - effect: - monkey aces and heli pilots: +1p

Accelerated Aerodarts - requires: - Airforce Upgrades - effect: - monkey aces: +50% projectile speed

Targeted Pineapples - requires: - 4 points invested - Accelerated Aerodarts - effect: - x1x+ monkey aces: pineapples will be dropped only over a track

Gun Coolant - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - Targeted Pineapples - effect: - monkey aces: 90%s

Aeronautic Subsidy - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Gun Coolant - effect: - tier 5 monkey aces: -10% cost

Wingmonkey - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Aeronautic Subsidy - effect: - monkey aces: wingmonkey flight pattern

Advanced Logistics - requires: - 14 points invested - 1000 MM - Aeronautic Subsidy, Door Gunner - effect: - military towers: 95% base cost

Rapid Razors - requires: - 4 points invested - Airforce Upgrades - effect: - 3xx+ heli pilots: rotor -0.15s (before other modifiers)

Charged Chinooks - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Rapid Razors - effect: - x4x+ heli pilots, ability: +25% income, +25% lives

Door Gunner - requires: - 14 points invested - 1000 MM - Charged Chinooks - effect: - x5x heli pilots: door-gunner ability - cooldown shared with redeploy (60s) - carry a tower, until manually deployed

Elite Military Training - effect: - military towers: +1000 xp (once), +5% xp (always)

Ceramic Shock - requires: - Elite Military Training - effect: - sniper monkeys: applies shock status - affects ceramic only - 70% slow, 0.6s duration

Cheaper Maiming - requires: - 4 points invested - Ceramic Shock - effect: - 400 sniper monkeys: -$1000

Master Defender - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Cheaper Maiming - effect: - xx5 sniper monkeys, ability: -50% cooldown

Emergency Unlock - effect: - dartling gunners: emergency-unlock ability - 15s cooldown, 15s duration - all dartlings follow the cursor - 1.5× swivel speed

Gorgon Storm - requires: - 4 points invested - Emergency Unlock - effect: - x4x+ dartling gunners, ability: applies stun (0.5s for bloons, 0.1s for blimps)

Cross the Streams - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - Gorgon Storm - effect: - 4xx+ dartling gunners: wherever lasers cross, create a plasma-pool every 0.5s - plasma-pool item - 1d, 5p, 14r blast, normal type - 7s lifetime - applies acid status - acid status - 1d/2s, normal type, 4.05s duration

Extra Burny Stuff - requires: - 4 points invested - effect: - xx2+ mortar monkeys: burn -0.25s DoT tick

Paint Stripper - requires: - 8 points invested - 250 MM - Extra Burny Stuff - effect: - xx4+ mortar monkeys: can defortify DDTs

Budget Battery - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Paint Stripper - effect: - 030 mortar monkeys: -$600


SUPER Range - effect: - x1x+ super monkeys: +3r

Cheaper Doubles - requires: - SUPER Range - effect: - 300 ninja monkeys: -$100

Diversion Tactics - requires: - 4 points invested - Cheaper Doubles - effect: - x1x+ ninja monkeys: +2.5% distraction chance

Deadly Tranquility - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Diversion Tactics - effect: - 4xx+ ninja monkeys: +1j

Tiny Tornadoes - requires: - 8 points invested - 100 MM - Deadly Tranquility, Vine Rupture - effect: - 3xx+ druids: tornado creates mini-tornado on expire - mini-tornado attack - 0d, 3j, 5p, normal type - cannot target blimps or lead - sends back 33-300 units - removes glued and frozen status

Heavy Knockback - requires: - SUPER Range - effect: - xx2+ super monkeys: knockback +0.05s duration

Strike Down the False - requires: - 4 points invested - Heavy Knockback - effect: - 3xx+ super monkeys: can damage purple

X-ray Ultra - requires: - 4 points invested - 250 MM - Strike Down the False - effect: - xx2+ super monkeys: can see past obstacles

There Can Be Only One - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - X-ray Ultra - effect: - 5xx super monkeys: unlocks "vengeful true sun god"

Lingering Magic - effect: - magic towers: +20% projectile lifetime

Hot Magic - requires: - Lingering Magic - effect: - magic towers: can pop frozen

Warm Oak - requires: - 4 points invested - Hot Magic - effect: - 020 druids: -$100

Cold Front - requires: - 4 points invested - 250 MM - Warm Oak - effect: - 4xx+ druids: ball-lightning 100% chance to freeze

Vine Rupture - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Cold Front - effect: - x5x druids: vine-rupture ability - 60s cooldown - brambles explode, creating bramble-blasts - bramble-blast attack - 150d, 60p, 12r blast, sharp type - applies stun status (7s for bloons, 3s for blimps, lead unaffected)

Flame Jet - requires: - 4 points invested - Hot Magic, Magic Tricks - effect: - x3x+ wizard monkeys: +50% projectile speed

Arcane Impale - requires: - 4 points invested - 250 MM - Flame Jet - effect: - 4xx+ wizard monkeys: +1cd, +1md

Mana Shield - requires: - 8 points invested - 100 MM - Arcane Impale - effect: - game: adds a shield - starts at a maximum of 25 lives - regenerates 5 per round in which no bloons leak

Magic Tricks - effect: - 100 and 001 wizard monkeys: -$25

Speedy Brewing - requires: - Magic Tricks - effect: - alchemists: 95%s

Strong Tonic - requires: - 4 points invested - Speedy Brewing - effect: - x4x+ alchemists, ability: +4s duration

Acid Stability - requires: - 4 points invested - 250 MM - Strong Tonic - effect: - xx2+ alchemists: puddle +5s lifetime

Mo' Monkey Money - requires: - Speedy Brewing - effect: - game: +10% monkey money


Flat Pack Buildings - effect: - banana farms and monkey villages: -2% cost, +2% sellback

Insider Trades - requires: - Flat Pack Buildings - effect: - xx1+ monkey villages: support +2% discount

Bigger Banks - requires: - 3 points invested - Insider Trades - effect: - x4x+ banana farms: +$2500 capacity

Backroom Deals - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - Bigger Banks - effect: - x4x+ banana farms, ability: +$1000 loan amount, -10% repayment rate

Better Sell Deals - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Backroom Deals - effect: - all towers: +5% sellback

Bank Deposits - requires: - 14 points invested - 1000 MM - Better Sell Deals - effect: - x4x+ banana farms: enables deposit action - up to half of the remaining capacity can be filled from available cash - deposited money does not gain interest until one full round has passed

More Valuable Bananas - requires: - Flat Pack Buildings - effect: - x2x+ banana farms: +5% income (additive)

Farm Subsidy - requires: - 3 points invested - More Valuable Bananas - effect: - first banana farm: -$100

Inland Revenue Streams - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - Farm Subsidy - effect: - xx3+ monkey villages: support +10% cash modifier

Healthy Bananas - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Inland Revenue Streams - effect: - xx3 banana farms: 1 end of round life - xx4 banana farms: 3 end of round lives

One More Spike - effect: - spike factories: +1p

Vigilant Sentries - requires: - 3 points invested - One More Spike - effect: - 1xx+ engineer monkeys: +2s lifetime to any subtower

Thicker Foams - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - Vigilant Sentries - effect: - x3x+ engineer monkeys: foam +3p

Big Traps - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Thicker Foams - effect: - xx4+ engineer monkeys: trap +30p

First Last Line of Defense - requires: - One More Spike - effect: - first spike factory: -$150

Very Shreddy - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - First Last Line of Defense - effect: - x3x+ spike factories: +1md

Hi-Value Mines - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Very Shreddy - effect: - 400 spike factories: -$1500

Monkey Education - requires: - 3 points invested - effect: - all towers: +8% xp

To ARMS! - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - Monkey Education - effect: - x4x+ monkey village, ability: +3s duration

Veteran Monkey Training - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - To ARMS! - effect: - all towers: 97%s

Global Ability Cooldowns - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - To ARMS! - effect: - all towers: -3% ability cooldown


Heroic Reach - effect: - heroes: +2r

Heroic Velocity - requires: - Heroic Reach - effect: - heroes: +15% projectile speed

Quick Hands - requires: - 3 points invested - Heroic Velocity - effect: - heroes: 96%s

Hero Favors - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - Quick Hands, Self Taught Heroes - effect: - heroes: -10% base cost

Empowered Heroes - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Hero Favors - effect: - heroes: start at level 3

Monkeys Together Strong - requires: - 8 points invested - 1000 MM - Empowered Heroes - effect: - heroes: +5% xp per hero placed

Weak Point - requires: - 8 points invested - 1000 MM - Monkeys Together Strong, Big Bloon Blueprints - effect: - heroes: +1cd, +1fd

More 'Splody - effect: - heroes, explosive attacks: +2p

Scholarships - requires: - More 'Splody - effect: - heroes: 90% upgrade cost

Self Taught Heroes - requires: - 3 points invested - Scholarships - effect: - heroes: +10% xp

Ability Discipline - effect: - heroes, level 10 abilities: -10% cooldown

Ability Mastery - requires: - 3 points invested - Ability Discipline - effect: - heroes, level 20 abilities: -30% cooldown

Big Bloon Blueprints - requires: - 8 points invested - 500 MM - Ability Mastery - effect: - heroes: +1md


Bigger Camo Trap - effect: - camo trap: +100p

Mauling MOAB Mines - requires: - Bigger Camo Trap - effect: - moab mines: +100d

Supersize Glue Trap - requires: - 3 points invested - Mauling MOAB Mines - effect: - glue trap: can affect blimps (MOABs use 10p, BFBs 20p, ZOMGs 50p, DDTs 20p, BADs 100p)

Ambush Tech - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - Supersize Glue Trap - effect: - techbot: ambush ability - activate linked ability only when bloons enter a chosen 40r area

Just One More - effect: - road-spikes (including pre-game prep): +1p

Longer Time Stop - requires: - Just One More - effect: - time stop: +2s duration

Longer Boosts - requires: - 3 points invested - Longer Time Stop - effect: - monkey boost: +3s duration

Pre-game Prep - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - Longer Boosts - effect: - all paths: places road-spike at the end - 1d, 20p, 6r, normal type

Powerful Monkey Storm - requires: - 3 points invested - Longer Boosts, Budget Pontoons - effect: - monkey storm: +300d

Fit Farmers - requires: - 3 points invested - 250 MM - Powerful Monkey Storm - effect: - banana farmers: +20%r

Budget Cash Drops - requires: - 3 points invested - 500 MM - Fit Farmers - effect: - cash drops: -20mm cost

Grand Prix Spree - requires: - 10 points invested - 1000 MM - Budget Cash Drops - effect: - race: -10% entry fee

Supa-Thrive - requires: - 3 points invested - 500 MM - Fit Farmers - effect: - thrive: +5% income (additive)

Cheaper Lakes - effect: - portable lakes: -10mm cost

Budget Pontoons - requires: - Cheaper Lakes - effect: - pontoons: -10mm cost