Advanced Popology, vol. 5.1: Heroes Part 2
[Updated on 2023-04-07 for v36.x]
Other posts in this series:
Welcome to Advanced Popology, the series of posts providing detailed information on the towers of BTD6. Hopefully everything will be clear and understandable, but explanations on the terminology and how it is presented will also be provided in an Appendix at the end of each post.
Note that the information presented is not official. It comes largely from my own tests, feedback from countless other players, and many details have been confirmed by NK — in particular from the amazingly detailed patch notes.
Despite my best efforts, it may still contain minor inaccuracies — feel free to message me with any corrections or questions, either here on Reddit or on Discord (find me in the Ninja Kiwi server).
- Level 1 — $1000
- size: medium (7)
- sun-bolt attack
- 1d, 1j/30°, 5p, 45r, 1s, plasma type
- can see past obstacles
- seeking
- Level 2 — 308xp (rounds 5/4/4/4)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +4r (49r)
- Level 3 — 787xp (rounds 10/9/9/8)
- long-arm-of-light ability
- 35s cooldown, 10s duration
- sun-bolt pierce and range are doubled, and damage type is normal
- note: double range stacks with all buffs except alchemist, double pierce does not stack
- long-arm-of-light ability
- Level 4 — 1710xp (rounds 16/15/14/14)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1j (2j)
- Level 5 — 3181xp (rounds 22/22/21/21)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +3p (8p)
- Level 6 — 5609xp (rounds 29/28/27/26)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1j (3j)
- Level 7 — 8858xp (rounds 36/35/33/32)
- blood-sacrifice ability
- 10s cooldown, 10s duration
- sacrifices a chosen tower to gain 4× the amount spent on it as XP
- gains sacrifice buff
- affects self and 3xx+ Super Monkeys in range
- +(10+x)%r, (90-x)%s, where x = amount sacrificed / 100 (capped at 15)
- blood-sacrifice ability
- Level 8 — 14227xp (rounds 45/43/41/40)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1j (4j)
- Level 9 — 16040xp (rounds 53/50/49/47)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1fd (1d, 1fd), +5r (54r)
- Level 10 — 23290xp (rounds 63/60/58/56)
- ball-of-light ability
- 60s cooldown, 12s duration
- temporarily gains beam attack
- beam attack
- 3d, 3fd, 8p, ∞r, 0.05s, plasma type
- can see past obstacles
- uses main targeting option, but can hit other targets in the way
- ball-of-light ability
- Level 11 — 28010xp (rounds 72/69/67/64)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: 0.8s
- Level 12 — 24624xp (rounds 78/75/73/70)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1j (5j)
- Level 13 — 28472xp (rounds 85/81/79/76)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1fd (1d, 2fd), +5p (13p)
- beam attack buffed: +5p (13p)
- Level 14 — 25547xp (rounds 90/86/84/81)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1j (6j)
- Level 15 — 28010xp (rounds 95/91/88/86)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1d (2d, 2fd)
- beam attack buffed: +2d, +2fd (5d, 5fd)
- Level 16 — 30472xp (rounds 100/96/93/90)
- long-arm-of-light ability buffed
- 15s duration
- grants +2d
- long-arm-of-light ability buffed
- Level 17 — 32935xp (rounds 105/101/98/95)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: 0.6s
- Level 18 — 35397xp (rounds 110/106/103/100)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +2j (8j)
- Level 19 — 28164xp (rounds 114/110/106/103)
- sun-bolt attack buffed: +1fd (2d, 3fd), +5r (59r)
- Level 20 — 29549xp (rounds 118/114/110/107)
- blood-sacrifice ability buffed
- 60s duration
- +(10+x)%r, (90-x)%s, where x = amount sacrificed / 50 (capped at 40)
- ball-of-light ability buffed: 20s duration
- beam attack buffed: 20d, 20fd, normal type
- if a super monkey is upgraded to 5xx with Adora in range, she transforms into sun-form (+8d, +30p)
- blood-sacrifice ability buffed
Admiral Brickell
- Level 1 — $900
- size: medium (7)
- pistol attack
- 3d, 1 impact, 50r, 0.8s, sharp type
- place-mine attack
- 50r, 3s passive
- places mine randomly in nearby water
- mine item
- 1d, 40r, normal type
- 120s lifetime
- on contact: explosion
- expires after 1 full round
- homes in on targets when in range
- 0.4s cooldown before another mine can be used
- explosion attack
- 1d, 20p, 25r blast, explosion type
- note: can affect the original target
- Level 2 — 257xp (rounds 4/4/4/4)
- pistol attack buffed: 0.7s
- place-mine attack buffed: 2.8s
- Level 3 — 656xp (rounds 9/8/8/8)
- naval-tactics ability
- 50s cooldown, 9s duration
- buffs water towers in range, including self
- 50%s
- naval-tactics ability
- Level 4 — 1425xp (rounds 14/14/13/12)
- explosion attack buffed: +8p (28p)
- Level 5 — 2651xp (rounds 21/20/19/19)
- naval-tactics ability buffed: grants +1p and normal type
- Level 6 — 4674xp (rounds 27/26/25/24)
- pistol attack buffed: +2d (5d)
- mine item buffed: +1d (2d)
- explosion attack buffed: +1d (2d)
- Level 7 — 7382xp (rounds 33/32/31/30)
- all attacks buffed: can see camo
- pistol attack buffed: +8r (58r)
- place-mine attack buffed: +8r (58r)
- blast-chain ability
- 45s cooldown, 10s duration
- mine buffed: double projectile speed, half cooldown (0.2s)
- Level 8 — 11856xp (rounds 41/40/38/37)
- naval-tactics ability buffed: grants camo detection
- gains naval-support buff
- affects water towers in range
- +1p
- Level 9 — 13367xp (rounds 49/47/45/43)
- mine item buffed: +5d (7d)
- explosion attack buffed: +5d (7d)
- Level 10 — 19409xp (rounds 58/56/53/51)
- mega-mine ability
- 60s cooldown
- places mega-mine in chosen location
- mega-mine item
- 40r
- on contact: mega-explosion
- 180s or 3 round lifetime
- homes in on blimps when near enough
- placed in chosen location
- mega-explosion attack
- 4000d, 100p, 100r blast, normal type
- 5s stun
- mega-mine ability
- Level 11 — 23342xp (rounds 67/64/62/60)
- place-mine attack buffed: 2.5s
- Level 12 — 20520xp (rounds 73/70/68/65)
- pistol attack buffed: +3d (8d), 0.4s
- mine item buffed: +5d (12d)
- explosion attack buffed: +5d (12d)
- Level 13 — 23726xp (rounds 79/76/73/71)
- mega-mine ability buffed: 50s cooldown
- Level 14 — 21290xp (rounds 84/80/78/75)
- naval-tactics ability buffed: 12s duration
- Level 15 — 23342xp (rounds 88/85/82/80)
- pistol attack buffed: +4d (12d)
- mine item buffed: decamo
- explosion attack buffed
- +10r blast (35r), normal type
- decamo
- Level 16 — 25394xp (rounds 93/90/87/84)
- pistol attack buffed: +4r (62r)
- place-mine attack buffed: +4r (62r)
- Level 17 — 27446xp (rounds 98/94/91/88)
- pistol attack buffed: +6d (18d)
- mine item buffed: +10d (22d)
- explosion attack buffed: +10d (22d)
- Level 18 — 29498xp (rounds 103/99/96/93)
- mega-mine ability buffed: 40s cooldown
- Level 19 — 23470xp (rounds 106/102/99/96)
- naval-tactics ability buffed: affects all water towers
- Level 20 — 24624xp (rounds 110/106/102/99)
- mega-explosion attack buffed
- 11000d, +50p (150p), 120r blast
- 10s stun
- mega-explosion attack buffed
- Level 1 — $850
- size: medium (7)
- drone attack
- 55r
- attacks by controlling drone subtowers
- drone subtower
- dart attack
- 1d, 2p, 0.7s, sharp type
- first priority, can see past obstacles
- range inherited
- note: targeting is indicated by a small light on the drone - blue = first, green = last, yellow = strong, purple = close
- dart attack
- Level 2 — 180xp (rounds 3/3/3/3)
- drone attack buffed: +5r (60r)
- Level 3 — 460xp (rounds 7/7/6/6)
- drone-swarm ability
- 80s cooldown, 18.5s duration
- spawns 4 extra drones (1 blue, 1 green, 2 yellow)
- duration increases 0.5s per level (17 + 0.5 level)
- drone-swarm ability
- Level 4 — 1000xp (rounds 12/11/11/10)
- drone subtower buffed
- dart attack buffed: +1p (3p)
- drone subtower buffed
- Level 5 — 1860xp (rounds 18/17/16/15)
- drone subtower buffed
- dart attack buffed
- 0.55s
- can see camo
- dart attack buffed
- drone subtower buffed
- Level 6 — 3280xp (rounds 24/23/22/21)
- drone-swarm ability buffed: 55s cooldown
- Level 7 — 5180xp (rounds 29/28/27/26)
- spawns a second permanent drone
- gains targeting options for permanent drones
- first: all blue (first)
- divide and conquer: mix of yellow (strong) and blue (first)
- Level 8 — 8320xp (rounds 36/34/33/32)
- uav subtower
- grants camo detection to all towers
- uav subtower
- Level 9 — 9380xp (rounds 42/40/39/38)
- drone subtower buffed
- dart attack buffed: +1d (2d)
- drone subtower buffed
- Level 10 — 13620xp (rounds 49/47/45/44)
- ucav ability
- 90s cooldown, 18s duration
- uav replaced by ucav
- ucav subtower
- missile attack
- 10j/240°, 1 impact, ∞r, 0.6s
- moderate seeking
- first priority, can see camo, can see past obstacles
- on contact: explosion
- explosion attack
- 2d, 25p, 20r blast, explosion type
- can see camo
- grants camo detection to all towers
- missile attack
- ucav ability
- Level 11 — 16380xp (rounds 57/55/52/50)
- spawns a third permanent drone
- divide and conquer targeting: yellow (strong)
- gains zone defense targeting option
- all different: blue (first), yellow (strong), and green (last)
- spawns a third permanent drone
- Level 12 — 14400xp (rounds 63/60/58/56)
- drone subtower buffed
- dart attack buffed: +3p (6p)
- drone subtower buffed
- Level 13 — 16650xp (rounds 68/66/63/61)
- ucav ability buffed: 75s cooldown
- Level 14 — 14940xp (rounds 73/70/68/65)
- drone subtower buffed
- dart attack buffed: +1d (3d)
- drone subtower buffed
- Level 15 — 16380xp (rounds 77/74/72/69)
- ucav ability buffed: 20s duration
- ucav subtower buffed
- explosion attack buffed: +2d (4d), +5p (30p)
- Level 16 — 17820xp (rounds 81/78/76/73)
- drone attack buffed: +20r (80r)
- drone-swarm ability buffed: 50s cooldown
- drone subtower buffed
- dart attack buffed: +3p (9p)
- Level 17 — 19260xp (rounds 85/82/80/77)
- ucav subtower buffed
- explosion attack buffed: +3d (7d)
- ucav subtower buffed
- Level 18 — 20700xp (rounds 89/86/83/81)
- drone subtower buffed
- dart attack buffed: +1d (4d)
- drone subtower buffed
- Level 19 — 16470xp (rounds 93/89/86/84)
- spawns a fourth permanent drone
- divide and conquer targeting: blue (first)
- zone defense targeting: purple (close)
- spawns a fourth permanent drone
- Level 20 — 17280xp (rounds 96/92/89/86)
- uav subtower buffed
- missile attack
- 10j/240°, 1 impact, ∞r, 0.6s
- moderate seeking
- first priority, can see camo
- on contact: explosion
- explosion attack
- 2d, 25p, 20r blast, explosion type
- can see camo
- missile attack
- ucav subtower buffed
- explosion attack buffed: +3d (10d), normal type
- uav subtower buffed
- Level 1 — $600
- size: medium (7)
- slash attack
- 1d, 1cd, 1md, 4p, 23r, 0.4s, sharp type
- can see camo
- Level 2 — 257xp (rounds 4/4/4/4)
- slash attack buffed: +1p (5p)
- Level 3 — 656xp (rounds 9/8/8/8)
- leaping-sword ability
- 30s cooldown
- uses leap attack
- leap attack
- 20d, 80md, 30p, ∞r, normal type
- on road: sword
- sword item
- 2d, 5p, 15r zone, 0.1s, normal type
- 6.5s lifetime
- 0.2s rehit
- lifetime increases 0.5s per level (5 + 0.5 level)
- leaping-sword ability
- Level 4 — 1425xp (rounds 14/14/13/12)
- slash attack buffed: +1d, +1cd, +1md (2d, 2cd, 2md)
- Level 5 — 2651xp (rounds 21/20/19/19)
- slash attack buffed: 0.32s
- Level 6 — 4674xp (rounds 27/26/25/24)
- slash attack buffed: +2p (7p), +3r (26r)
- Level 7 — 7382xp (rounds 33/32/31/30)
- slash attack buffed: +2 special-d, +18 special-md (2d, 2cd, 2md, 2 special-d, 18 special-md), shatter type
- leap attack buffed: +10 special-d, +10 special-md (20d, 80md, 10 special-d, 10 special-md)
- sword item buffed: +2 special-d, +18 special-md (2d, 2 special-d, 18 special-md)
- note: "special" damage at this level applies to anything with the stun status
- Level 8 — 11856xp (rounds 41/40/38/37)
- slash attack buffed: 0.25s
- Level 9 — 13367xp (rounds 49/47/45/43)
- slash attack buffed
- +1d, +1cd, +1md (3d, 3cd, 3md, 2 special-d, 18 special-md)
- applies bleed status
- 1d/2.0s, 20md/2.0s, 4.05s duration
- slash attack buffed
- Level 10 — 19409xp (rounds 58/56/53/51)
- sword-charge ability
- 45s cooldown
- charge attack
- 30d, 15 special-d, 15 special-md, 400p, 19.5r blast, normal type
- charges backwards along each path
- can rehit
- sword-charge ability
- Level 11 — 23342xp (rounds 67/64/62/60)
- slash attack buffed: -10 special-md, +10 stun-md (3d, 3cd, 3md, 2 special-d, 8 special-md, 10 stun-md)
- note: "special" damage now applies to anything with a status other than bleed, while "stun" damage continues to apply only to stunned targets
- Level 12 — 20520xp (rounds 73/70/68/65)
- leap attack buffed: +20d, +80md, +10 special-d, +10 special-md (40d, 160md, 20 special-d, 20 special-md), +20p (50p)
- sword item buffed: +1d, +1 special-d, +4 special-md (3d, 3 special-d, 22 special-md)
- Level 13 — 23726xp (rounds 79/76/73/71)
- slash attack buffed: +1 stun-d (3d, 3cd, 3md, 2 special-d, 8 special-md, 1 stun-d, 10 stun-md), normal type
- Level 14 — 21290xp (rounds 84/80/78/75)
- slash attack buffed: 0.16s
- Level 15 — 23342xp (rounds 88/85/82/80)
- slash attack buffed: +2p (9p), +3r (29r)
- leap attack buffed: +40d, +20 special-d, +20 special-md (80d, 160md, 40 special-d, 40 special-md)
- sword item buffed: +1d, +1 special-d, +4 special-md (4d, 4 special-d, 26 special-md)
- charge attack buffed: +3r blast (22.5r)
- Level 16 — 25394xp (rounds 93/90/87/84)
- charge attack buffed: +90d, +45 special-d, +45 special-md (120d, 60 special-d, 60 special-md)
- Level 17 — 27446xp (rounds 98/94/91/88)
- slash attack buffed: +1d, +1cd, +1md, +1 stun-d, +1 status-d (4d, 4cd, 4md, 2 special-d, 8 special-md, 1 status-d, 2 stun-d, 10 stun-md)
- bleed status buffed: 10d/2.0s, 50md/2.0s, 6s duration
- Level 18 — 29498xp (rounds 103/99/96/93)
- slash attack buffed: 0.1s
- Level 19 — 23470xp (rounds 106/102/99/96)
- slash attack buffed: +2 mod-d, +8 mod-md (4d, 4cd, 4md, 2 mod-d, 8 mod-md, 2 special-d, 8 special-md, 1 status-d, 2 stun-d, 10 stun-md)
- leap attack buffed: +2 mod-d, +8 mod-md (80d, 160md, 2 mod-d, 8 mod-md, 40 special-d, 40 special-md)
- sword item buffed: +2 mod-d, +8 mod-md (4d, 2 mod-d, 8 mod-md, 4 special-d, 26 special-md)
- charge attack buffed: +2 mod-d, +8 mod-md (120d, 2 mod-d, 8 mod-md, 60 special-d, 60 special-md)
- note: "mod" damage applies to anything that has fortified, camo, or regrow modifiers
- Level 20 — 24624xp (rounds 110/106/102/99)
- leap attack buffed: +320d, +160 special-d, +160 special-md (400d, 160md, 2 mod-d, 8 mod-md, 200 special-d, 200 special-md), +20p (70p)
- sword item buffed
- +2d, +2 special-d, +8 special-md (6d, 2 mod-d, 8 mod-md, 6 special-d, 34 special-md)
- 10s lifetime
- charge attack buffed
- +100d, +50 special-d, +50 special-md (220d, 2 mod-d, 8 mod-md, 110 special-d, 110 special-md), +1000p (1400p)
- charges along each path 3 times in a row
- Level 1 — $1000
- size: medium (7)
- psychic attack
- ∞r, 1s
- can see camo, can see past obstacles
- cannot target purple, lead, ceramic, or blimps
- applies vibrating status
- 1d/0.2s until fully popped, not targetable by anything else
- will always pop after 15s if not sooner
- attack cooldown does not start until the previous target has been popped
- Level 2 — 270xp (rounds 4/4/4/4)
- vibrating status buffed: 1d/0.15s
- Level 3 — 690xp (rounds 9/8/8/8)
- psychic-blast ability
- 40s cooldown
- 50p, 60r blast
- applies a stun (bloons 6.0s, blimps 1.5s)
- psychic-blast ability
- Level 4 — 1500xp (rounds 15/14/13/13)
- psychic attack buffed: on contact: splash
- splash attack
- 1p, 6r blast
- applies vibrating status
- Level 5 — 2790xp (rounds 21/21/20/19)
- psychic attack buffed: 0.85s
- Level 6 — 4920xp (rounds 27/26/26/25)
- psychic attack buffed: can target lead
- splash attack buffed: +1p (2p)
- Level 7 — 7770xp (rounds 34/33/32/31)
- psychic attack buffed: can target ceramic
- psychic-blast ability buffed
- 2s duration
- 100p, 2.0s
- this means the attack is used twice
- Level 8 — 12480xp (rounds 42/41/39/38)
- explosion attack
- 1d, 10p, 20r blast, plasma type
- vibrating status buffed: creates explosion
- explosion attack
- Level 9 — 14070xp (rounds 50/48/46/44)
- gains psychic2 attack: copy of psychic that uses Elite targeting (First if bloons are past halfway, otherwise Strong)
- bug: at this level only, psychic2 splash can affect 2 extra bloons
- Level 10 — 20430xp (rounds 59/57/55/52)
- psionic-scream ability
- 60s cooldown
- 2000p, ∞r
- cannot target purple or blimps
- 50% chance to apply vibrating status, otherwise the target is sent back 50-300 units
- psionic-scream ability
- Level 11 — 24570xp (rounds 68/65/63/61)
- splash attack buffed: +1p (3p)
- vibrating status buffed: 1d/0.1s
- Level 12 — 21600xp (rounds 74/71/69/67)
- psychic-blast ability buffed: 4s duration
- Level 13 — 24975xp (rounds 80/77/75/72)
- all attacks buffed: can affect purple bloons
- Level 14 — 22410xp (rounds 85/82/79/77)
- psychic and psionic-scream can affect MOABs
- vibrating status buffed: 4d/0.1s
- Level 15 — 24570xp (rounds 90/87/84/81)
- explosion attack buffed: +2d (3d)
- Level 16 — 26730xp (rounds 95/92/89/86)
- psychic and psionic-scream can affect BFBs
- vibrating status buffed: 4d/0.075s
- Level 17 — 28890xp (rounds 100/96/93/90)
- gains psychic3 attack: copy of psychic2
- Level 18 — 31050xp (rounds 105/101/98/95)
- splash attack buffed: +2p (5p), +9r blast (15r)
- Level 19 — 24705xp (rounds 109/105/101/98)
- explosion attack buffed: +7d (10d), +10r blast (30r)
- Level 20 — 25920xp (rounds 112/108/104/101)
- psionic-scream ability buffed: chance of applying vibrating increased to 100%
- psychic and psionic-scream can affect ZOMGs and DDTs
- Level 1 — $700
- size: medium (7)
- has a shop
- items are restocked every few rounds, depending on the item
- note that if an item is fully stocked when a round finishes, its round counter will not start, even if one is used before starting the next round
- Shooty Turret — $210 / $250 / $270 / $300
- 5 rounds to restock 1, max 4
- place shooty-turret tower
- Stack of Old Nails — $40 / $50 / $55 / $60
- 1 round to restock 1, max 10
- place old-nails road item
- Creepy Idol — $85 / $100 / $110 / $120
- 4 rounds to restock 1, max 2
- place creepy-idol tower
- Jar of Pickles — $85 / $100 / $110 / $120
- 4 rounds to restock 1, max 4
- apply pickled buff
- zap attack
- 1d, 1 impact, 40r, 1.1s, energy type
- on contact: explosion
- explosion attack
- 1d, 4p, 10r blast, energy type
- old-nails item
- 1d, 10p, 6r, sharp type
- ∞s lifetime
- can see camo
- shooty-turret subtower
- size: tiny (3)
- dart attack
- 2d, 10p, 50r, 1.5s, sharp type
- creepy-idol subtower
- size: tiny (3)
- 32r
- 4 round lifetime
- every 4th bloon to enter the idol's range is sent back 100-200 units
- note: blimps increase the counter but cannot be sent back
- pickled buff
- +1d, 133.33%s
- 5 round duration
- Level 2 — 180xp (rounds 3/3/3/3)
- Rare Quincy Action Figure — $635 / $750 / $810 / $900
- 1 round to restock 1, max 1
- place quincy-figure tower
- quincy-figure subtower
- size: tiny (3)
- 32r
- value increases per round since unlock
- 10% until 30 ($750 \ 1.1n-unlock*)
- 5% for 31-80 ($750 \ 1.131-unlock * 1.05n-31*)
- 2% after 80 ($750 \ 1.131-unlock * 1.0550 * 1.02n-81*)
- can be sold for 95% of the base cost and 100% of the added value
- Rare Quincy Action Figure — $635 / $750 / $810 / $900
- Level 3 — 460xp (rounds 7/7/6/6)
- See Invisibility Potion — $170 / $200 / $215 / $240
- 10 rounds to restock 1, max 2
- apply vision buff
- zap attack buffed: +5r (45r)
- vision buff
- grants camo detection
- 10 round duration
- See Invisibility Potion — $170 / $200 / $215 / $240
- Level 4 — 1000xp (rounds 12/11/11/10)
- Tube of Amaz-o-Glue — $85 / $100 / $110 / $120
- 3 rounds to restock 1, max 3
- place amaz-o-glue road item
- amaz-o-glue item
- 100p, 14r
- ∞s lifetime
- can see camo
- applies glued status
- 30s duration, 50% slow to bloons, soaks all layers
- expires after 4 full rounds
- Tube of Amaz-o-Glue — $85 / $100 / $110 / $120
- Level 5 — 1860xp (rounds 18/17/16/15)
- Sharpening Stone — $170 / $200 / $215 / $240
- 5 rounds to restock 1, max 3
- apply sharpened buff to a tower with sharp type attacks
- zap attack buffed: 1s
- sharpened buff
- +1p to sharp type attacks
- expires after 10 full rounds
- Sharpening Stone — $170 / $200 / $215 / $240
- Level 6 — 3280xp (rounds 24/23/22/21)
- Worn Hero's Cape — $1,275 / $1,500 / $1,620 / $1,800
- 5 rounds to restock 1, max 2
- transform a dart monkey (up to tier 2) into a super monkey (restricted to tier 3)
- Worn Hero's Cape — $1,275 / $1,500 / $1,620 / $1,800
- Level 7 — 5180xp (rounds 29/28/27/26)
- Blade Trap — $550 / $650 / $700 / $780
- 5 rounds to restock 1, max 3
- place blade-trap road item
- zap attack buffed: +1d (2d)
- explosion attack buffed: +1d (2d), +5p (9p)
- blade-trap item
- 6r
- ∞s lifetime
- on contact: blades
- blades attack
- 1d, 2j/360°, 200p, 0.033333333s, sharp type
- can see past obstacles
- 3s duration
- Blade Trap — $550 / $650 / $700 / $780
- Level 8 — 8320xp (rounds 36/34/33/32)
- Gerry's Fire Hot Sauce — $425 / $500 / $540 / $600
- 2 rounds to restock 1, max 3
- place chilli-monster tower orbiting any other tower
- chilli-monster subtower
- flame attack
- 1d, 1cd, 4p, 50r, 0.1s, fire type
- can see past obstacles
- applies burn status
- 1d/1.5s, fire type, 3.1s duration
- 10 round lifetime
- flame attack
- Gerry's Fire Hot Sauce — $425 / $500 / $540 / $600
- Level 9 — 9380xp (rounds 42/40/39/38)
- Fertilizer — $255 / $300 / $325 / $360
- 4 rounds to restock 1, max 2
- apply fertilised buff to a farm (with upgrades up to 522)
- explosion attack buffed: +3r blast (13r)
- fertilised buff
- +25% income
- 5 round duration
- Fertilizer — $255 / $300 / $325 / $360
- Level 10 — 13620xp (rounds 49/47/45/44)
- Pet Rabbit — $1,275 / $1,500 / $1,620 / $1,800
- 3 rounds to restock 1, max 2
- place rabbit tower in Geraldo's range
- rabbit subtower
- once 4 have been placed, they will merge into a wererabbit
- wererabbit subtower
- pounce attack
- 10d, 30cd, 30md, 15p, 80r, 0.4s, normal type
- +1d for every 2250 rbe on screen, capped at +40
- pounce attack
- Pet Rabbit — $1,275 / $1,500 / $1,620 / $1,800
- Level 11 — 16380xp (rounds 57/55/52/50)
- Rejuv Potion — $1,700 / $2,000 / $2,160 / $2,400
- 5 rounds to restock 1, max 2
- heal 50 lives
- reset all ability cooldowns
- explosion attack buffed: +10p (19p)
- pickled buffed: +1fd
- Rejuv Potion — $1,700 / $2,000 / $2,160 / $2,400
- Level 12 — 14400xp (rounds 63/60/58/56)
- Genie Bottle — $1,700 / $2,000 / $2,160 / $2,400
- 5 rounds to restock 1, max 2
- place genie tower
- creepy-idol subtower buffed
- every 4th blimp to enter the idol's range is stunned (MOAB 3s, BFB 2s, ZOMG or DDT 1s)
- note: bloons also contribute to this counter but will not be stunned
- genie subtower
- size: tiny (3)
- 22r
- magic-bolt attack
- 20d, 5p, 100r, 0.2s, plasma type
- can see past obstacles
- 2 round lifetime
- flies in a figure 8 around the centre of the map
- Genie Bottle — $1,700 / $2,000 / $2,160 / $2,400
- Level 13 — 16650xp (rounds 68/66/63/61)
- old-nails item buffed: +5d (6d)
- shooty-turret subtower buffed
- dart attack buffed: +5d (7d), 0.8s
- Level 14 — 14940xp (rounds 73/70/68/65)
- vision buffed: +20%r, 15 round duration
- Level 15 — 16380xp (rounds 77/74/72/69)
- blades attack buffed: +1d (2d), +2j (4j), +300p (500p), normal type
- sharpened buffed: +1d
- Level 16 — 17820xp (rounds 81/78/76/73)
- old-nails item buffed
- +6cd, +1fd (6d, 6cd, 1fd), +14p (24p), normal type
- on 100%p: mini-explosion
- mini-explosion attack
- 10d, 2cd, 1fd, 40p, 19r blast, explosion type
- applies burn status
- 1d/2.0s, fire type, 6.0s duration
- chilli-monster subtower buffed
- flame attack buffed
- burn status buffed: 3d/1.5s
- flame attack buffed
- pickled buffed: +1fd (2)
- old-nails item buffed
- Level 17 — 19260xp (rounds 85/82/80/77)
- zap attack buffed: +1d (3d)
- explosion attack buffed: +1d (3d)
- glued status buffed
- 55% slow to bloons, 37.5% to blimps
- MOABs use 5p, BFBs 10p, ZOMGs 25p, and DDTs 10p
- Level 18 — 20700xp (rounds 89/86/83/81)
- creepy-idol subtower buffed
- unstable-splash attack
- 0d, 3p, 32r blast
- applies unstable status
- triggered on tower expiry
- unstable-splash attack
- genie subtower buffed
- magic-bolt attack buffed: +5md (20d, 5md)
- gains a second magic-bolt attack, with close priority
- unstable status
- when popped, creates an explosion
- 50p, 40r blast, normal type
- damage to bloons depends on the unstable bloon: 2d from MOABs, 3d from BFBs, 4d from anything else
- damage to blimps: 20d from MOABS, 70d from BFBs, 40d from DDTs, 400d from ZOMGs and BADs, 1000d from bosses
- MOABs and BFBs use 2p, ZOMGs and DDTs use 4p, BADs use 10p
- when popped, creates an explosion
- creepy-idol subtower buffed
- Level 19 — 16470xp (rounds 93/89/86/84)
- zap attack buffed: +1d (4d), +3r (48r), 0.8s
- explosion attack buffed: +1d (4d), +5p (24p), +5r blast (18r)
- vision buffed: +1 camo damage
- Level 20 — 17280xp (rounds 96/92/89/86)
- Paragon Power Totem — $22,100 / $26,000 / $28,080 / $31,200
- 1 round to restock 1, max 2
- place paragon-totem tower
- zap attack buffed: +5d (9d)
- explosion attack buffed: +5d (9d)
- paragon-totem subtower
- size: tiny (3)
- 32r
- contributes 2000 power to the next paragon
- all items become fully stocked
- Paragon Power Totem — $22,100 / $26,000 / $28,080 / $31,200