Advanced Popology, vol. 7: Paragons

[Updated on 2022-04-25 for v31.x]

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Welcome to Advanced Popology, the series of posts providing detailed information on the towers of BTD6. Hopefully everything will be clear and understandable, but explanations on the terminology and how it is presented will also be provided in an Appendix at the end of each post.

Note that the information presented is not official. It comes largely from my own tests, feedback from countless other players, and many details have been confirmed by NK — in particular from the amazingly detailed patch notes.

Despite my best efforts, it may still contain minor inaccuracies — feel free to message me with any corrections or questions, either here on Reddit or on Discord (find me in the Ninja Kiwi server).

Paragon mechanics

A paragon upgrade becomes available when all three tier 5s of a tower are on the map at once. When purchased, all towers of this type merge into a single Paragon tower.

The degree of the paragon can vary from 1 to 100, depending on the towers merged. Higher degrees have improved damage, pierce, and attack speed. All paragons additionally have significant damage bonuses against bosses and elite bosses.

Paragons cannot receive any buffs from other towers, but are affected by Monkey Knowledge.

Degree requirements

The merged towers contribute "power" to the paragon degree as follows:

  • 10k per tier 5 tower
    • excludes the first 3 tier 5s that are being combined
    • maximum 90k (9 additional tier 5s)
  • 100 per upgrade
    • excludes all tier 5 towers
    • maximum 10k (100 upgrades = 17 crosspathed tier 4s)
  • 1 per $25 spent
    • excludes the first 3 tier 5s
    • maximum 10k ($250k)
  • 1 per 180 pops
    • includes all towers
    • generated income also contributes, at a rate of $1 = 4 pops
    • maximum 90k (16.2 million damage)

A minimum degree of 1 is guaranteed, and a maximum degree of 100 requires all 200k possible power. For all other degrees, the requirement is:

(50 degree3 + 5025 degree2 + 168324 degree + 843000) / 600


In these formulas, d(x) is the damage at degree x, while d on its own is the base damage as listed in tower-specific Popology. Likewise for other stats.


  • +1% per degree, +1 per 10 degrees, max +100% + 10
    • d(100) = d * 2 + 10
    • d(x) = d * (1 + (x-1)*0.01) + floor((x-1)/10)
  • stacks with other damage, for example
    • cd(x) = cd * (1 + (x-1)*0.01)
    • total against ceramics is d(x) + cd(x) as usual

Boss damage:

  • +20% per 20 degrees, applied after all other scaling, as well as to bd directly (so bd is overall double-counted)
    • first calculate bd(x) = bd * (1 + (x-1)*0.01) as normal
    • total against bosses is (d(x) + md(x) + 2*bd(x)) * (1 + floor(x/20)*0.2) - bd(x)
  • also affects damage-over-time but without double-counting bd

Elite boss damage:

  • all paragon attacks deal double damage against elite bosses
    • total: 2 * (d(x) + md(x) + bd(x)) * (1 + floor(x/20)*0.2)
  • for degrees 20+, bd is again counted twice
    • total: 2 * (d(x) + md(x) + 2*bd(x)) * (1 + floor(x/20)*0.2) - bd(x)


  • +1% per degree, +1 per degree, max +100% + 100
    • p(100) = p * 2 + 100
    • p(x) = p * (1 + (x-1)*0.01) + (x-1)


  • s(x) = s / (1 + √((x-1) * 50) * 0.01)

Note that the same scaling applies to all attacks on any paragon.


Overall requirements and buffs every 10th degree:

degree xp damage boss damage pierce reload
10 5131 +9% + 0 +0% +9% + 9 0.8251
20 11032 +19% + 1 +20% +19% + 19 0.7645
30 19609 +29% + 2 +20% +29% + 29 0.7241
40 31360 +39% + 3 +40% +39% + 39 0.6935
50 46786 +49% + 4 +40% +49% + 49 0.6689
60 66387 +59% + 5 +60% +59% + 59 0.6481
70 90664 +69% + 6 +60% +69% + 69 0.6301
80 120115 +79% + 7 +80% +79% + 79 0.6143
90 155241 +89% + 8 +80% +89% + 89 0.5999
100 200000 +100% + 10 +100% +100% + 100 0.5869

Individual stats

For reference, here are the main stats for each current paragon, at every 20th degree, as well as the maximum achievable degree in single-player — 76, or 79 for Dart Monkey (due to Master Double Cross MK). Note that ceramic/moab/boss damage is listed in total, not as an addition to base damage.

Dart Monkey — Apex Plasma Master

° attack d cd md bd p r s
1 triple-jugg 20 50 20 100 200 85 0.3
juggernaut 20 50 20 100 200 - -
20 triple-jugg 24.8 60.5 24.8 163.04 257 85 0.2294
juggernaut 24.8 60.5 24.8 163.04 257 - -
40 triple-jugg 30.8 72.5 30.8 243.28 317 85 0.2080
juggernaut 30.8 72.5 30.8 243.28 317 - -
60 triple-jugg 36.8 84.5 36.8 338.72 377 85 0.1944
juggernaut 36.8 84.5 36.8 338.72 377 - -
79 triple-jugg 42.6 96.0 42.6 381.44 434 85 0.1847
juggernaut 42.6 96.0 42.6 381.44 434 - -
80 triple-jugg 42.8 96.5 42.8 449.36 437 85 0.1843
juggernaut 42.8 96.5 42.8 449.36 437 - -
100 triple-jugg 50 110 50 580 500 85 0.1761
juggernaut 50 110 50 580 500 - -

Boomerang Monkey — Glaive Dominus

° attack d cd md bd p r s
1 glaive 20 20 20 80 100 75 0.04
shred 750 - 750 750 - - 1.0
orbital 42 62 62 222 1000 60 0.1
press 1 1 20 20 300 100 2.5
explosion 2500 2500 2500 7500 20 50 -
burn 500 500 500 500 - - 1.0
20 glaive 24.8 24.8 24.8 129.72 138 75 0.0306
shred 893.5 - 893.5 1072.2 - - 1.0
orbital 50.98 74.78 74.78 356.296 1209 60 0.0765
press 2.19 2.19 24.8 29.76 376 100 1.9113
explosion 2976 2976 2976 11901.2 42.8 50 -
burn 596 596 596 715.2 - - 1.0
40 glaive 30.8 30.8 30.8 193.24 178 75 0.0277
shred 1045.5 - 1045.5 1463.7 - - 1.0
orbital 61.38 89.18 89.18 525.172 1429 60 0.0693
press 4.39 4.39 30.8 43.12 456 100 1.7337
explosion 3478 3478 3478 17379.2 66.8 50 -
burn 698 698 698 977.2 - - 1.0
60 glaive 36.8 36.8 36.8 268.76 218 75 0.0259
shred 1197.5 - 1197.5 1916.0 - - 1.0
orbital 71.78 103.58 103.58 725.408 1649 60 0.0648
press 6.59 6.59 36.8 58.88 536 100 1.6202
explosion 3980 3980 3980 23858.0 90.8 50 -
burn 800 800 800 1280.0 - - 1.0
76 glaive 42.0 42.0 42.0 298.2 250 75 0.0248
shred 1319.5 - 1319.5 2111.2 - - 1.0
orbital 80.5 115.5 115.5 800.8 1825 60 0.0620
press 8.75 8.75 42.0 67.2 600 100 1.5509
explosion 4382 4382 4382 26261.2 110 50 -
burn 882 882 882 1411.2 - - 1.0
80 glaive 42.8 42.8 42.8 356.28 258 75 0.0246
shred 1349.5 - 1349.5 2429.1 - - 1.0
orbital 82.18 117.98 117.98 957.004 1869 60 0.0614
press 8.79 8.79 42.8 77.04 616 100 1.5356
explosion 4482 4482 4482 31337.6 114.8 50 -
burn 902 902 902 1623.6 - - 1.0
100 glaive 50 50 50 460 300 75 0.0235
shred 1510 - 1510 3020 - - 1.0
orbital 94 134 134 1228 2100 60 0.0587
press 12 12 50 100 700 100 1.4671
explosion 5010 5010 5010 40020 140 50 -
burn 1010 1010 1010 2020 - - 1.0

Ninja Monkey — Ascended Shadow

° attack d cd md bd p r s
1 shuriken 32 32 32 64 4 70 0.217
flash-bomb 96 96 96 192 50 70 1.5
mini-shuriken 80 80 80 160 20 - -
sticky-bomb 16000 - 16000 48000 - 5.5
explosion 3500 3500 3500 4900 10 40 -
20 shuriken 39.08 39.08 39.08 100.208 23.76 70 0.1659
flash-bomb 115.24 115.24 115.24 298.224 78.5 70 1.1468
mini-shuriken 96.2 96.2 96.2 248.72 42.8 - -
sticky-bomb 19041 - 19041 68545.2 - 4.2049
explosion 4166 4166 4166 7331.6 30.9 40 -
40 shuriken 47.48 47.48 47.48 146.536 44.56 70 0.1505
flash-bomb 136.44 136.44 136.44 431.208 108.5 70 1.0402
mini-shuriken 114.2 114.2 114.2 360.04 66.8 - -
sticky-bomb 22243 - 22243 93412.2 - 3.8141
explosion 4868 4868 4868 10318.0 52.9 40 -
60 shuriken 55.88 55.88 55.88 201.344 65.36 70 0.1406
flash-bomb 157.64 157.64 157.64 588.032 138.5 70 0.9721
mini-shuriken 132.2 132.2 132.2 491.36 90.8 - -
sticky-bomb 25445 - 25445 122120.0 - 3.5645
explosion 5570 5570 5570 13809.2 74.9 40 -
76 shuriken 63.0 63.0 63.0 224.0 82.0 70 0.1346
flash-bomb 175.0 175.0 175.0 649.6 162.5 70 0.9305
mini-shuriken 147.0 147.0 147.0 543.2 110.0 - -
sticky-bomb 28007 - 28007 134411.2 - 3.4119
explosion 6132 6132 6132 15201.2 92.5 40 -
80 shuriken 64.28 64.28 64.28 264.632 86.16 70 0.1333
flash-bomb 178.84 178.84 178.84 768.696 168.5 70 0.9214
mini-shuriken 150.2 150.2 150.0 642.68 114.8 - -
sticky-bomb 28647 - 28647 154668.6 - 3.3784
explosion 6272 6272 6272 17805.2 96.9 40 -
100 shuriken 74 74 74 340 108 70 0.1273
flash-bomb 202 202 202 980 200 70 0.8803
mini-shuriken 170 170 170 820 140 - -
sticky-bomb 32010 - 32010 192020 - 3.2277
explosion 7010 7010 7010 22420 120 40 -

Monkey Buccaneer — Navarch of the Seas

° attack d cd md bd p r s
1 cannon 60 60 120 180 28 60 0.429
grape 25 25 55 85 10 60 0.429
forward-dart 44 44 44 88 14 0.15
moab-missile 200 200 200 400 10 1.5
20 cannon 72.4 72.4 143.8 272.52 52.32 60 0.3280
grape 30.75 30.75 66.45 129.72 30.9 60 0.3280
forward-dart 53.36 53.36 53.36 137.336 35.66 0.1147
moab-missile 239 239 239 620.0 30.9 1.1468
40 cannon 86.4 86.4 169.8 387.84 77.92 60 0.2975
grape 37.75 37.75 79.45 186.29 52.9 60 0.2975
forward-dart 64.16 64.16 64.16 199.912 58.46 0.1040
moab-missile 281 281 281 893.8 52.9 1.0402
60 cannon 100.4 100.4 195.8 523.16 103.52 60 0.2780
grape 44.75 44.75 92.45 252.86 74.9 60 0.2780
forward-dart 74.96 74.96 74.96 273.848 81.26 0.0972
moab-missile 323 323 323 1216.4 74.9 0.9721
76 cannon 112.0 112.0 217.0 578.2 124.0 60 0.2661
grape 50.75 50.75 103.25 280.7 92.5 60 0.2661
forward-dart 84.0 84.0 84.0 303.8 99.5 0.0931
moab-missile 357 357 357 1341.2 92.5 0.9305
80 cannon 114.4 114.4 221.8 678.48 129.12 60 0.2635
grape 51.75 51.75 105.45 329.43 96.9 60 0.2635
forward-dart 85.76 85.76 85.76 359.144 104.06 0.0921
moab-missile 365 365 365 1587.8 96.9 0.9214
100 cannon 130 130 250 860 156 60 0.2518
grape 60 60 120 420 120 60 0.2518
forward-dart 98 98 98 460 128 0.0880
moab-missile 410 410 410 2020 120 0.8803