Advanced Popology, vol. 3: Magic Towers
[Updated on 2023-04-07 for v36.x]
Other posts in this series:
Welcome to Advanced Popology, the series of posts providing detailed information on the towers of BTD6. Hopefully everything will be clear and understandable, but explanations on the terminology and how it is presented will also be provided in an Appendix at the end of each post.
Note that the information presented is not official. It comes largely from my own tests, feedback from countless other players, and many details have been confirmed by NK — in particular from the amazingly detailed patch notes.
Despite my best efforts, it may still contain minor inaccuracies — feel free to message me with any corrections or questions, either here on Reddit or on Discord (find me in the Ninja Kiwi server).
Wizard Monkey
- Wizard Monkey — $320 / $375 / $405 / $450
- size: medium (7)
- magic-bolt attack
- 1d, 3p, 40r, 1.1s, energy type
Top Path
- 100 — Guided Magic — $125 / $150 / $160 / $180
- all attacks buffed: can see past obstacles
- magic-bolt attack buffed: moderate seeking
- 200 — Arcane Blast — $380 / $450 / $485 / $540
- magic-bolt attack buffed: +1d (2d)
- 300 — Arcane Mastery — $1,105 / $1,300 / $1,405 / $1,560
- all attacks buffed: +20r
- magic-bolt attack buffed: +1d (3d), +4p (7p), ×0.5s (0.55s)
- crosspath
- 310: explosion +4p (19)
- 400 — Arcane Spike — $8,500 / $10,000 / $10,800 / $12,000
- magic-bolt attack buffed: +3d, +10md (6d, 10md), ×0.5s (0.275s), plasma type
- 500 — Archmage — $27,200 / $32,000 / $34,560 / $38,400
- magic-bolt attack buffed: +2d, +9md (8d, 19md), +4p (11p), ×0.5s (0.1375s)
- shimmer attack
- 200p, 80r, 1.25s
- can see camo, can see past obstacles
- decamo
- dragon-breath attack
- 2d, 2md, 4p, 70r, 0.0625s, fire type
- can see past obstacles
- applies burn status (1d/1.5s, fire type, 3.1s duration)
- crosspath
- 510: fireball 1.1s
- 510: explosion 9d, 9md, +4p (23)
- 520: wall-of-fire 1md, 0.5×s (3.25s)
Middle Path
- 010 — Fireball — $255 / $300 / $325 / $360
- fireball attack
- 1d, 1 impact, 40r, 2.2s, fire type
- on damage: explosion
- explosion attack
- 1d, 15p, 10r blast, explosion type
- note: this means that this attack is able to damage purples, as long as the fireball hits something non-purple first to create an explosion
- crosspath
- 110: fireball can see past obstacles
- 011: explosion +5p (20)
- fireball attack
- 020 — Wall of Fire — $805 / $950 / $1,025 / $1,140
- place-fire attack
- 40r, 6.5s passive
- on road: wall-of-fire
- 1.0s initial cooldown
- wall-of-fire item
- 1d, 10p, 15r zone, 0.15s passive, fire type
- 4.5s lifetime
- crosspath
- 120: place-fire targets selected point, can see past obstacles
- 120: wall-of-fire 5.5s lifetime
- 021: wall-of-fire +5p (15)
- place-fire attack
- 030 — Dragon's Breath — $2,550 / $3,000 / $3,240 / $3,600
- explosion attack buffed: +8d (9d), +4r blast (14r)
- place-fire attack buffed: 4.5s
- wall-of-fire item buffed: +10p (20p), 0.1s
- dragon-breath attack
- 2d, 4p, 40r, 0.125s, fire type
- applies burn status (1d/1.5s, fire type, 3.1s duration)
- crosspath
- 130: dragon-breath can see past obstacles
- 031: dragon-breath +2p (6)
- 040 — Summon Phoenix — $5,100 / $6,000 / $6,480 / $7,200
- summon ability
- 45s cooldown
- summons phoenix subtower
- phoenix subtower
- 20s lifetime
- flame attack
- 5d, 8p, ∞r, 0.1s, fire type
- can see camo, can see past obstacles
- inherits priority
- note: does not inherit buffs, but can recieve buffs by flying through their range of influence
- summon ability
- 050 — Wizard Lord Phoenix — $44,625 / $52,500 / $56,700 / $63,000
- explosion attack buffed: +18d (27d)
- wall-of-fire item buffed: +2d (3d)
- dragon-breath attack buffed: +5d (7d), 50p
- summon ability replaced by transform
- 45s cooldown, 20s duration
- transforms into phoenix-lord
- phoenix-lord subtower
- flame attack
- 20d, 50p, ∞r, 0.1s, normal type
- can see camo, can see past obstacles
- meteor attack
- 50d, 8j/360°, 500p, ∞r, 1s passive, normal type
- can see camo, can see past obstacles
- note: technically a separate tower so is not affected by buffs to the original wizard
- flame attack
- has a permanent phoenix subtower
Bottom Path
- 001 — Intense Magic — $255 / $300 / $325 / $360
- magic-bolt attack buffed
- +5p (8p)
- increased projectile speed
- magic-bolt attack buffed
- 002 — Monkey Sense — $255 / $300 / $325 / $360
- all attacks buffed
- +10r
- can see camo
- gains camo targeting option
- all attacks buffed
- 003 — Shimmer — $1,275 / $1,500 / $1,620 / $1,800
- all attacks buffed: +10r
- shimmer attack
- 200p, 80r, 2.5s
- can see camo
- decamo
- 004 — Necromancer: Unpopped Army — $2,380 / $2,800 / $3,025 / $3,360
- reanimate attack
- 60r, 1.5s passive
- can see past obstacles
- spawns 1-4 zombloons at a selected point, each using 1-10 pops from the graveyard
- -10%s for every 100 graveyard bloons, stacking additively up to 5 times (eg 200-299 in the graveyard means 80% = 1.2s)
- zombloon item
- 2d, normal type
- 7s lifetime
- pierce is 1 + number of pops used
- travels backwards along the track at red bloon speed
- gains a graveyard
- stores pops (layers not damage) that occur within 80 units, up to a total capacity of 500
- pops in the graveyard expire at the end of the second round
- pops after round 80 are worth 7-10 (at random) in the graveyard, instead of 1
- each individual pop may only be stored by one wizard
- all attacks buffed: +1d for every 200 graveyard bloons, stacking additively
- crosspath
- 104: zombloon +3 lifetime (10)
- reanimate attack
- 005 — Prince of Darkness — $22,525 / $26,500 / $28,620 / $31,800
- magic-bolt attack buffed: ×0.25s (0.275s)
- shimmer attack buffed: ×0.5s (1.25s)
- reanimate-blimp attack
- 60r, 3s passive
- can see past obstacles
- if less than 2000 pops in the graveyard, uses 20 to spawn a zmoab at a selected point
- if more than 2000 pops in the graveyard, uses 50 to spawn a zbfb at a selected point
- zmoab item
- 40d, 20p, normal type
- 15s lifetime
- travels backwards along the track at 60% red bloon speed
- zbfb item
- 100d, 50p, normal type
- 10s lifetime
- travels backwards along the track at 60% red bloon speed
- graveyard buffed: 3000 capacity, stores up to 3 rounds
- graveyard damage buff now stacks every 300 bloons with a maximum of 10
- gains buff: +1d and +50% lifetime to all zombloons and zmoabs from any wizard (including self)
- crosspath
- 105: zmoab +5s lifetime (20), zbfb +5s lifetime (15)
Super Monkey
- Super Monkey — $2,125 / $2,500 / $2,700 / $3,000
- size: extra large (11)
- dart attack
- 1d, 1p, 50r, 0.045s, sharp type
Top Path
- 100 — Laser Blasts — $2,125 / $2,500 / $2,700 / $3,000
- dart attack replaced by laser
- +1p (2p), energy type
- note: shoots from eye level instead of hand level so can see over some obstacles
- dart attack replaced by laser
- 200 — Plasma Blasts — $2,550 / $3,000 / $3,240 / $3,600
- laser attack replaced by plasma
- ×0.666667s (0.03s), plasma type
- laser attack replaced by plasma
- 300 — Sun Avatar — $17,000 / $20,000 / $21,600 / $24,000
- plasma attack replaced by sunbeam
- 3j/30°, +4p (6p)
- increased projectile speed
- plasma attack replaced by sunbeam
- 400 — Sun Temple — $85,000 / $100,000 / $108,000 / $120,000
- sunbeam attack replaced by sunblast
- 5d, 1j, 20p, 65r, 0.06s, normal type
- can see past obstacles
- when upgraded
- all towers in range are sacrificed to the temple
- gains buffs and additional attacks from up to three categories of tower, depending on the total cost (amount spent) of the sacrifices
- the strongest buffs require $50000
- $50000 primary sacrifices
- sunblast buffed
- +5d (10), +20p (40), 60%s (0.36)
- gains gold-blade-2 attack
- 25d, 8j, 20p, 65r, 1.5s, normal type
- gains gold-glaive-2 attack
- 30d, 50p, 65r, 0.5s, normal type
- sunblast buffed
- $50000 military sacrifices
- sunblast buffed
- +15p (35), +45% projectile size, +45% projectile speed
- gains gold-missile-3 attack
- ∞r, 1.0s
- can only target blimps, moderate seeking
- on contact explosion: 1d, 74md (75), 50p, 18r blast, explosion type
- gold-spectre-1 subtower
- dart attack
- 10d, 50p, ∞r, 0.15s, sharp type
- every other dart replaced by bomb
- on contact explosion: 6d, 10p, 20r blast, explosion type
- dart attack
- gold-spectre-2 subtower
- dart attack
- 15d, 50p, ∞r, 0.15s, sharp type
- every other dart replaced by bomb
- on contact explosion: 10d, 30p, 20r blast, explosion type
- dart attack
- sunblast buffed
- $50000 magic sacrifices
- 20% distraction chance
- arcane-blast-3 attack
- 35d, 6j, 7p, 2.0s, 65r, normal type, moderate seeking
- push-2 attack
- 500p, 5.0s, 65r zone, sends bloons and MOABs back
- spawn-avatar attack
- 30.0s (unbuffable), spawns mini-avatar
- mini-avatar subtower
- 4d, 3j, 6p, 0.3s, 50r, plasma type
- 65s lifetime
- $50000 support sacrifices
- +5r (70)
- gains temple buff
- affects all towers in range
- +2d, +3p, +20%r, 81%s, 20% discount
- gold-aura effect
- all pops occurring in radius give +50% cash
- $5000 end of round income
- sunbeam attack replaced by sunblast
- 500 — True Sun God — $425,000 / $500,000 / $540,000 / $600,000
- sunblast attack buffed: +10d (15d)
- when upgraded, absorbs all towers in range for even more power
- essentially the same effects as temple, but all four tower categories count
Middle Path
- 010 — Super Range — $850 / $1,000 / $1,080 / $1,200
- dart attack buffed: +1p (2p), +10r (60r)
- 020 — Epic Range — $1,190 / $1,400 / $1,510 / $1,680
- dart attack buffed
- +2p (4p), +12r (72r)
- increased projectile speed
- dart attack buffed
- 030 — Robo Monkey — $5,950 / $7,000 / $7,560 / $8,400
- dart attack buffed
- +3p (7p)
- 10d crit every 15-20 shots
- gains a second attack, which is a copy of the first, with independent choice of targeting priority
- note: this means that an alchemist buff is used up twice as fast
- dart attack buffed
- 040 — Tech Terror — $16,150 / $19,000 / $20,520 / $22,800
- dart attack replaced by plasma
- 9p, 72r, ×0.8s (0.036s), plasma type
- annihilate ability
- 45s cooldown
- uses annihilate attack
- annihilate attack
- 2600d, 2000p, 70r blast, normal type
- penetrates blimps
- can see camo
- 3900d crit every 3 shots
- dart attack replaced by plasma
- 050 — The Anti-Bloon — $76,500 / $90,000 / $97,200 / $108,000
- plasma attack buffed
- +4d (5d), +5p (14p), +10r (82r), normal type
- 50d crit every 13-17 shots
- annihilate ability replaced by anti-bloon
- 30s cooldown
- annihilate attack buffed
- 10400d, 120r blast
- 15600d crit every 3 shots
- plasma attack buffed
Bottom Path
- 001 — Knockback — $2,550 / $3,000 / $3,240 / $3,600
- dart attack buffed
- applies knockback status
- 0.5s duration
- 125% slow for regular bloons, 60% for leads and ceramics, and 30% for blimps
- note: 125% slow means move backwards at 25% speed
- applies knockback status
- dart attack buffed
- 002 — Ultravision — $1,020 / $1,200 / $1,295 / $1,440
- dart attack buffed
- +1 camo-d (1d, 1 camo-d), +3r (53r)
- can see camo
- gains camo targeting option
- dart attack buffed
- 003 — Dark Knight — $4,760 / $5,600 / $6,050 / $6,720
- dart attack replaced by monkeyrang
- +2md (1d, 2md, 1 camo-d), +3p (4p)
- darkshift ability
- 20s cooldown
- teleport to a chosen point within range
- knockback status buffed: 90% slow to leads and ceramics
- dart attack replaced by monkeyrang
- 004 — Dark Champion — $47,220 / $55,555 / $60,000 / $66,665
- monkeyrang attack buffed
- +1d, +2cd, +1md, +1 camo-d (2d, 2cd, 3md, 2 camo-d), +4p (8p), ×0.5s (0.0225s), normal type
- jumps to nearby (53 units) targets
- darkshift ability buffed: can teleport anywhere
- knockback status buffed: 100% slow to leads and ceramics
- monkeyrang attack buffed
- 005 — Legend of the Night — $170,000 / $200,000 / $216,000 / $240,000
- monkeyrang attack buffed: +8d, +2cd, +10md, +2 camo-d (10d, 4cd, 13md, 4 camo-d), +15p (23p), +4r (57r)
- black-hole ability
- 180s cooldown, 8s duration, triggered by something about to leak
- anything about to leak is deleted instead
- deleted bloons give no cash and do not add to any damage counter
Ninja Monkey
- Ninja Monkey — $425 / $500 / $540 / $600
- size: small (6)
- shuriken attack
- 1d, 2p, 40r, 0.7s, sharp type
- can see camo
- has camo targeting option
Top Path
- 100 — Ninja Discipline — $255 / $300 / $325 / $360
- all attacks buffed: +17.5%r, ×0.62s
- 200 — Sharp Shurikens — $295 / $350 / $380 / $420
- shuriken attack buffed: +2p (4p)
- 300 — Double Shot — $720 / $850 / $920 / $1,020
- shuriken attack buffed: 2j/18°
- 400 — Bloonjitsu — $2,335 / $2,750 / $2,970 / $3,300
- shuriken attack buffed: 5j/45°
- 500 — Grandmaster Ninja — $29,750 / $35,000 / $37,800 / $42,000
- all attacks buffed: +10r
- shuriken attack buffed: +1d (2d), 8j/72°, ×0.5s (0.217s)
Middle Path
- 010 — Distraction — $295 / $350 / $380 / $420
- all attacks buffed
- on damage: 15% chance to send bloons 10-300 units back
- all attacks buffed
- 020 — Counter-Espionage — $425 / $500 / $540 / $600
- all attacks buffed
- on damage: decamo
- all attacks buffed
- 030 — Shinobi Tactics — $765 / $900 / $970 / $1,080
- gains shinobi buff
- affects ninjas in range
- stacks up to 20 times
- 92%s, stacking multiplicatively
- +8%p, stacking additively
- gains shinobi buff
- 040 — Bloon Sabotage — $4,420 / $5,200 / $5,615 / $6,240
- sabotage ability
- 60s cooldown, 15s duration
- all bloons and blimps move at half speed, including new spawns, but not children of blimps
- sabotage ability
- 050 — Grand Saboteur — $18,700 / $22,000 / $23,760 / $26,400
- sabotage ability replaced by grand-sabotage
- 30s duration
- all bloons and blimps move at half speed, including new spawns, but not children of blimps
- 25%d to new blimps entering the map
- gains shinobi-master buff
- affects all x3x+ ninjas
- +2md, +10r
- sabotage ability replaced by grand-sabotage
Bottom Path
- 001 — Seeking Shuriken — $210 / $250 / $270 / $300
- shuriken attack buffed: aggressive seeking
- 002 — Caltrops — $340 / $400 / $430 / $480
- place-caltrop attack
- 40r, 4.4s passive
- on road: caltrop
- caltrop item
- 1d, 6p, 4r, sharp type
- 35s lifetime
- can see camo
- place-caltrop attack
- 003 — Flash Bomb — $1,910 / $2,250 / $2,430 / $2,700
- shuriken attack buffed: every 4 attacks replaced by flash-bomb
- flash-bomb attack
- 1 impact, 40r
- on contact: explosion
- explosion attack
- 1d, 60p, 40r blast, normal type
- can see camo
- applies stun (1s duration) to bloons
- 004 — Sticky Bomb — $4,250 / $5,000 / $5,400 / $6,000
- sticky-bomb attack
- 1 impact, 60r, 5s
- can see camo
- can only affect blimps
- applies bombed status
- 3s duration
- on expiry: 500d to affected target
- on expiry: explosion
- 100d, 10p, 40r blast, normal type
- crosspath
- 104: sticky-bomb +11.5r (70.5)
- sticky-bomb attack
- 005 — Master Bomber — $34,000 / $40,000 / $43,200 / $48,000
- explosion attack buffed
- 10d
- applies stun (0.25s duration) to blimps
- sticky-bomb attack buffed
- ∞r, ×0.4s (2s)
- applies stun (1s duration)
- caltrops attack
- +4d, +5cd
- bombed buffed
- 1000d
- explosion: 300d
- explosion attack buffed
- Ascended Shadow — $425,000 / $500,000 / $540,000 / $600,000
- shuriken attack
- 32d, 32bd, 8j/72°, 4p, 70r, 0.217s, normal type
- aggressive seeking
- can see camo
- on damage: decamo
- 15% chance to send bloons 10-300 units back
- flash-bomb attack
- 5j/60°, 70r, 1.5s
- can see camo
- on contact: explosion
- on contact: mini-shuriken
- explosion attack
- 96d, 96bd, 50p, 40r blast, normal type
- can see camo
- on damage: decamo
- applies stun
- 3s duration for bloons, 1s for blimps
- 15% chance to send bloons 10-300 units back
- mini-shuriken attack
- 80d, 80bd, 3j/360°, 20p, normal type
- aggressive seeking
- can see camo
- on damage: decamo
- 15% chance to send bloons 10-300 units back
- sticky-bomb attack
- ∞r, 5.5s
- can see camo
- can only affect blimps
- applies bombed status
- 3s duration
- 16000d, 32000bd (48000)
- penetrates blimps
- on expiry: explosion
- 3500d, 1400bd (4900), 10p, 40r blast, normal type
- 15% chance to send bloons 10-300 units back
- sabotage attack
- ∞p, ∞r, 1s passive
- can see past obstacles
- applies 50% slow
- shuriken attack
- Alchemist — $465 / $550 / $595 / $660
- size: small (6)
- potion attack
- 1 impact, 45r, 2s
- can see past obstacles
- on contact: splash
- splash attack
- 1d, 15p, 14r blast, normal type
- applies acid status: 1d/2.0s, 4.05s duration
Top Path
- 100 — Larger Potions — $210 / $250 / $270 / $300
- splash attack buffed: +5p (20p), +7r blast (21r)
- 200 — Acidic Mixture Dip — $295 / $350 / $380 / $420
- acid-dip attack
- 45r, 10s
- targets random towers, prioritising those not currently buffed
- does not target towers that do not directly attack (Farm, Village, Benjamin, Etienne), or only attack by applying a status (Alchemist, Glue Gunner, Psi)
- applies acidified buff
- +1cd, +1md, +1 flead damage, can damage lead
- lasts 10 shots
- stacks by adding 10 more shots each time, capped at 40
- crosspath
- 220: +3 shot limit (13)
- acid-dip attack
- 300 — Berserker Brew — $1,060 / $1,250 / $1,350 / $1,500
- brew attack
- 45r, 8s
- targets closest buffable tower in range, except alchemists and towers that don't attack
- applies berserk buff
- +1d, +2p, 90%s, +10%r
- lasts 5.0s or 25 shots
- cannot be reapplied for 5.0s
- crosspath
- 320: berserk +1s duration (6.0), +15 shot limit (40), -1s reapplication cooldown (4.0s)
- brew attack
- 400 — Stronger Stimulant — $2,550 / $3,000 / $3,240 / $3,600
- berserk buffed
- buff is now +1d, +3p, 85%s, +15%r
- lasts 12.0s or 40 shots
- berserk buffed
- 500 — Permanent Brew — $51,000 / $60,000 / $64,800 / $72,000
- all attacks buffed: 65r
- acidified and berserk buffs are permanent (unless this alchemist is sold)
Middle Path
- 010 — Stronger Acid — $210 / $250 / $270 / $300
- acid status buffed: 1d/1.5s, 4.55s duration
- 020 — Perishing Potions — $405 / $475 / $515 / $570
- splash attack buffed
- +4md, +15 fmoab-d (1d, 4md, 15 fmoab-d)
- can defortify bloons
- splash attack buffed
- 030 — Unstable Concoction — $2,550 / $3,000 / $3,240 / $3,600
- unstable-potion attack
- 67.5r, 6s
- can see past obstacles
- on contact: unstable-splash
- can only target blimps
- unstable-splash attack
- 0d, 3p, 14r blast
- applies unstable status
- unstable status
- when popped, creates an explosion
- 50p, 40r blast, normal type
- damage to bloons depends on the unstable bloon: 2d from MOABs, 3d from BFBs, 4d from anything else
- damage to blimps: 20d from MOABS, 70d from BFBs, 40d from DDTs, 400d from ZOMGs and BADs, 1000d from bosses
- MOABs and BFBs use 2p, ZOMGs and DDTs use 4p, BADs use 10p
- when popped, creates an explosion
- crosspath
- 130: unstable-splash +7r (21)
- unstable-potion attack
- 040 — Transforming Tonic — $3,825 / $4,500 / $4,860 / $5,400
- transform ability
- 60s cooldown, 20s duration
- transforms into a monster
- monster subtower
- plasma attack
- 3d, 6p, 72r, 0.03s, plasma type
- can see past obstacles but collides with them
- plasma attack
- crosspath
- 041: plasma +3p (9p)
- 041: plasma 80%s (0.24s)
- transform ability
- 050 — Total Transformation — $38,250 / $45,000 / $48,600 / $54,000
- transform ability replaced by total-transform
- 40s cooldown
- additionally transforms 5 nearby towers (tier 3 or lower) into mini-monsters
- mini-monster subtower
- plasma attack
- 2d, 10p, 72r, 0.03s, plasma type
- plasma attack
- transform ability replaced by total-transform
Bottom Path
- 001 — Faster Throwing — $550 / $650 / $700 / $780
- all attacks buffed: ×0.8s
- 002 — Acid Pool — $380 / $450 / $485 / $540
- potion attack buffed: targets track if no bloons in range, creating a puddle
- puddle item
- 1d, 5p, 7r
- 7s lifetime
- applies acid status
- 003 — Lead to Gold — $850 / $1,000 / $1,080 / $1,200
- potion attack buffed
- +9 lead-d (+9 lead-d)
- applies golden-lead status
- gives $50 when the lead layer is popped, unaffected by income cuts or cash modifiers
- potion attack buffed
- 004 — Rubber to Gold — $2,335 / $2,750 / $2,970 / $3,300
- gold-potion attack
- 1 impact, 45r, 5s
- can see past obstacles
- on contact: gold-splash
- cannot target BADs
- gold-splash attack
- 15p, 14r blast
- applies golden status
- golden status
- +2 cash modifier
- note: this means that golden bloons give triple cash on their own, but the bonus stacks additively with other bonuses (like monkey town for 3.5× overall)
- crosspath
- 104: gold-splash +5p (20)
- gold-potion attack
- 005 — Bloon Master Alchemist — $34,000 / $40,000 / $43,200 / $48,000
- shrink-potion attack
- ∞r, 10s
- on contact: shrink-splash
- cannot target BADs
- shrink-splash attack
- 200p, 25r blast
- MOABs use 20p, BFBs and DDTs use 50p, and ZOMGs use 100p
- transforms target into a red bloon
- shrink-potion attack
- Druid — $340 / $400 / $430 / $480
- size: medium (7)
- thorn attack
- 1d, 5j/25°, 1p, 35r, 1.1s, sharp type
Top Path
- 100 — Hard Thorns — $210 / $250 / $270 / $300
- thorn attack buffed: +1p (2p), normal type
- 200 — Heart of Thunder — $850 / $1,000 / $1,080 / $1,200
- lightning attack
- 2d, 5 impacts, 35r, 2.3s, plasma type
- on contact: lightning
- each lightning has 1 fewer impacts
- jumps to a new target within 86 units
- note: this means up to 31 targets can be hit in total, which can't be increased with pierce buffs
- lightning attack
- 300 — Druid of the Storm — $1,400 / $1,650 / $1,780 / $1,980
- tornado attack
- 0d, 30p, 35r, 2.5s, normal type
- cannot target blimps or lead
- sends back 100-200 units
- removes glue and frozen status
- note: damage can be buffed
- tornado attack
- 400 — Ball Lightning — $3,825 / $4,500 / $4,860 / $5,400
- lightning attack buffed: +1d (3d)
- tornado attack buffed
- +30p (60p)
- sends back 150-250 units
- ball-lightning attack
- ∞p, 35r, 60s
- 25% chance to apply frozen status (1.5s duration, soaks 4 layers)
- has sub-lightning attack
- sub-lightning attack
- 3d, 5 impacts, 43r, 0.35s, plasma type
- random priority
- on contact: sub-lightning
- 500 — Superstorm — $55,250 / $65,000 / $70,200 / $78,000
- all attacks buffed: can see camo
- lightning attack buffed: +7d (10d)
- sub-lightning attack buffed: +7d (10d)
- superstorm attack
- 12d, 200p, 35r, 4s
- cannot target BADs
- MOABs use 5p, BFBs 20p, ZOMGs 50p, and DDTs 10p
- sends back at least 100 units, or 50 for ZOMGs
- removes glue and frozen status
- has a modified ball-lightning attack (1.0s, random spread)
Middle Path
- 010 — Thorn Swarm — $210 / $250 / $270 / $300
- thorn attack buffed: 8j
- 020 — Heart of Oak — $295 / $350 / $380 / $420
- all attacks buffed: on damage: degrow
- 030 — Druid of the Jungle — $890 / $1,050 / $1,135 / $1,260
- vine-grab attack
- ∞r, 1.4s
- can see past obstacles
- targets strongest bloon
- applies snared status
- (√rbe + 2 lead + 1)/4 duration, where rbe is the red bloon equivalent, and lead is 1 for lead and 0 otherwise
- fully pops the bloon
- on pop: places vine
- attack cooldown does not start until the previous target has been popped
- vine item
- 1d, 20p, 2r zone, 0.3s, sharp type
- 4.5s lifetime
- on hit: degrow
- crosspath
- 130: vine normal type
- vine-grab attack
- 040 — Jungle's Bounty — $4,165 / $4,900 / $5,290 / $5,880
- all attacks buffed: +10r
- vine-grab attack buffed
- 2j
- inherited targeting
- vine item buffed: +20p (40p)
- jungle-bounty ability
- 60s cooldown, 3 uses per round
- $320, plus $120 for every farm within range
- 050 — Spirit of the Forest — $29,750 / $35,000 / $37,800 / $42,000
- thorn attack buffed: +5d (6d)
- vine-grab attack buffed: 0.3s
- vine item buffed
- +4d (5d), 0.1s
- 9s lifetime
- brambles item
- ∞p, 55r
- ∞s lifetime
- can see camo
- range increases by 6 units every 2s until the map is covered
- anywhere in range: 2d/0.5s, 10cd/0.5s, 10md/0.5s, sharp type
- within 100r: +1d/s (3), +4cd/s (15), +4md/s (15), sharp type
- within 50r: +1d/s (4), +14cd/s (30), +14md/s (30), sharp type
- note: as a damage-over-time, this cannot be buffed
- jungle-bounty ability buffed: +25 lives
Bottom Path
- 001 — Druidic Reach — $85 / $100 / $110 / $120
- all attacks buffed: +10r
- 002 — Heart of Vengeance — $255 / $300 / $325 / $360
- +x% speed, capped at +100%, where x is 10 plus the number of lives below the amount when this upgrade was purchased, ignoring any lives above the starting amount for the current mode
- note that this is a buff to speed, NOT reload time (although it is still implemented with cooldowns internally)
- 003 — Druid of Wrath — $510 / $600 / $650 / $720
- +5% speed per 10 damage dealt, capped at +100%, reset if this druid is idle for 2s
- note again that this is a speed buff, and that it stacks multiplicatively with any buff gained from tier 2
- 004 — Poplust — $2,125 / $2,500 / $2,700 / $3,000
- gains poplust buff
- affects druids in range, excluding self
- +15%p, +15% speed
- can stack (additively) up to 5 times total
- note that this is yet another speed buff, which also stacks multiplicatively with tiers 2 and 3
- gains poplust buff
- 005 — Avatar of Wrath — $38,250 / $45,000 / $48,600 / $54,000
- thorn attack buffed
- +3d (4d), +5r (50r), ×0.5s (0.55s)
- ×2s lifetime
- +1d for every 3000 rbe on screen, capped at +30
- crosspath
- 205: lightning +1d for every 3000 rbe on screen, capped at +30
- thorn attack buffed
Main properties
Damage (d) is the amount of health a single hit of an attack removes.
Some attacks do additional damage to certain types of bloon, such as:
- Boss damage (bd)
- MOAB-class damage (md)
- Ceramic damage (cd)
- Fortified damage (fd)
- Lead damage, or flead damage
- Camo damage
Excess damage to blimps does not usually affect the children; exceptions will be indicated with "penetrates blimps". Excess damage to bloons usually does carry over to the children, so exceptions are indicated with "single-layer".
"Layers" is sometimes used in in-game descriptions to mean damage. This is somewhat misleading, because for example a ceramic has 1 more layer than a rainbow, but it requires 10 damage to remove this layer.
Projectile count (j) is the number of projectiles emitted at once. This will be omitted if there is only 1.
The spread of multiple projectiles will be indicated after the projectile count. For example, "8j/360°" means 8 projectiles spread out over 360 degrees.
Pierce (p) is the number of different targets a single projectile can hit.
It is possible for pierce to not be an integer, if certain buffs are in effect (call to arms or shinobi tactics). In this case, the largest integer less than it is used, and the fractional part is carried over to the next projectile. For example, with 1.6 pierce, the first projectile would have 1 pierce with 0.6 left over, then 0.6+1.6 = 2.2, so the second projectile would have 2 pierce with 0.2 left over, and so on.
"Popping power" is often used by in-game descriptions to mean pierce. We avoid the term because it is vague.
Impact is similar to pierce, but not affected by a "pierce buff". There is also usually a short cooldown after each impact where the projectile cannot collide with anything.
Range (r) is the radius of the targetable area, given in "units". May be a "blast" or a "zone", which both mean that the attack immediately affects anything in range up to the pierce limit, instead of emitting a projectile.
Reload time (s) is the number of seconds between attacks. This is not "attack speed", though they are closely linked: speed = 1 / reload and reload = 1 / speed.
May be qualified with passive, which means that the attack will be used automatically, instead of only when a valid target is in range.
Reload times greater than 0.1s are only accurate to the nearest frame (1/60th of a second). Times less than 0.1s are accurate on average — towers will release multiple projectiles on the same frame as necessary to maintain this average, similar to fractional pierce.
Note that in-game descriptions and patch notes usually use the word "speed" even when they in fact refer to reload time.
Each attack has a damage type, determining which bloons take damage from the attack. Lead popping ability and camo detection can additionally be granted, indicated simply with the words "lead" or "camo". Here is a summary of which bloons can be damaged by which type:
Type Black White Purple Lead Frozen Normal ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Acid ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Sharp ✅ ✅ ✅ Explosion ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Cold ✅ ✅ Glacier ✅ ✅ ✅ Shatter ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Energy ✅ ✅ ✅ Plasma ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Fire ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Attacks can have special effects other than dealing damage, which may be triggered in one of several ways:
- hitting but not necessarily damaging a target ("on contact")
- damaging a target ("on damage")
- delivering the final hit on a target ("on pop")
- the projectile simply expiring ("on expire")
Some common effects: - removing camo status ("decamo") - removing regrow status ("degrow") - removing fortified status ("defort") — this halves (or quarters for lead) the health of a fortified target, rounding down - creating explosions - emitting more projectiles - applying a status (such as glue or burn) to the target
Some attacks can only target certain types of bloon — the most obvious example is not targeting camo bloons, but also some attacks can only see blimps, or cannot see blimps, or all blimps except BAD, etc.
A tower can have any number of attacks, with completely independent values for all of the above stats.
This is not enough to fully describe all attacks! There are many special cases that simply need more words.
Stat modifications from a tower's upgrades are combined and applied to the base stats in the following sequence:
Multiplicative upgrades are applied first. These are written with a multiplcation symbol: eg "0.8×s" means that the reload time is 80% of what it was at the previous upgrade.
Then, percentage buffs are summed and applied together as a single modifier. For example, if one upgrade says "+10%r" and another says "+15%r", then the overall result is "+25%r", ie the range will be multiplied by 1.25.
Finally additive bonuses are applied. These are indicated with "+", such as "+1p" for 1 extra pierce.
These upgrades will additionally all be followed by the new value in brackets, eg "+1d (2d)".
Some tower upgrades reset a stat to a specific value instead of applying any of the above bonuses. In this case, buffs from upgrades earlier in the same path are ignored, while those from crosspaths continue to apply.
In many cases, crosspaths may apply improved or different buffs. These are listed in their own section, on the path with the higher tier.
Towers are also able to receive "buffs" from a variety of sources. Often from other towers, but some towers also affect themselves with their own buff, some monkey knowledges act as buffs rather than upgrades, and some maps have buff effects. Most — but not all — can be identified in-game by an icon displayed above a selected tower.
Unless explicitly stated, buffs from the same "source" (the same upgrade on a different tower), do not stack.
Buffs follow the same application order as upgrades: multiplicative, percentage, additive. However, they apply separately, after all upgrades, instead of being combined with them. For example, a +10% upgrade and a +10% buff means an overall multiplier of 1.1 * 1.1 = 1.21, not 1 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 1.2 as it would be if they were both upgrades or both buffs.
Additional notes:
If an attack creates any extra effects, they are also affected by damage and pierce buffs that applied to the attack that created them.
If an attack explicitly says 0d, this can be buffed. If an attack does not mention damage, it cannot gain any from buffs.