Did your partner stop taking night shift when they went back to work?

Husband is going back to work, so he wanted to get 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep before going into the office. I told him I don't think this is fair and I want him to be more flexible at bedtime if I need him to stay up longer, and we agreed on this. But he STILL gets 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep on work nights.

I told him I still don't think it's fair- especially since we will need to take shifts again anyway when I go back to work. Also I simply cannot get unbroken sleep because I need to at least wake up to pump when baby eats if not BFing. So his shifts are usually only waking up to change diaper then maybe bringing me some water. Pretty simple but very helpful for me.

He said "well i could just not sleep before work". I said its fine if he thinks he needs it, but he needs to make it up to me somehow. He didn't really respond to that. Idk if I should bring it up again. Is this a hill to die on? I'm so jealous that he gets to sleep.