My husband won’t change our daughter’s poopy diapers.

In the beginning he would change her diapers, but he slowly stopped and began just handing her off to me. Our daughter is 15 weeks old. I’d say he’d changed around 20 poopy diapers and just stopped.

I’d asked him in playful ways, and he’d just say that it’s so stinky and he doesn’t like it. Then it moved to him saying I was used to it and he wasn’t.

Then he said it makes him uncomfortable. So I followed up with a “What if we have a son, would you change them then?” Assuming it was because it was her privates (But he still will occasionally change her pee diapers.) He said no, he doesn’t like the poop.

I got mad after that and asked if I were gone what he’d do, and he said then he would do it “obviously.”

This seriously upsets me. He used to be so in-tune with her. He barely feeds her now, barely anything. If he does feed her, he’s not holding her like I or he used to do. He props her on a pillow and almost every time falls asleep. He doesn’t want to fully spend time with her to me. Just hugs and hi’s. 5-10 minutes then back to me.

In the beginning he’d play games with her on the boppy, now it’s only me doing that. Nowadays he just says to put her in the bed or swing if I can’t hold her anymore.

My heart hurts about this, and it’s clear to see and hear that it frustrates me when he hands her back, or refuses to do things.

And before anyone asks if it has to do with amount of sleep. He doesn’t take any shifts with her at all now, especially night shifts after one time he said he’d let me sleep and I woke up with her in bed with us and her in the most soaked diaper I’ve ever seen. I vowed to never let that happen again and stuck to it. All he does is work, the same amount of hours he’d had before we even got pregnant. And on top of that he will occasionally take 3-7hr naps. I WISH I could do that. (Of course his response is just to give her to his mother.)

There’s my vent. :,)