Tank set up
I got these Zilla basking stairs for free from work so of course I had to rearrange and show off. He is a huge bottom dweller though and hasn’t gone up them but he does like hiding underneath.
Always looking for plant suggestions too! Java fern always does really well and I’ll probably get more but I’ve killed so many other cold water plants. Right now I also have Anubias, moss balls, and some tiny sad jungle val that I think is gonna pull through. I’ve tried hornwort (died and I hate the needles), water wisteria, amazon sword, probably more. I LOVE the look of floating plants especially if they have roots to hide in but somehow my tank has killed a couple types of these too before they got the chance to grow.
Tank is Zoo Med 50 gal Low Boy. Filter is Fluval 307 canister. Axolotl is Pablo❤️
Also I promise the cat doesn’t have access to the tank I just pulled up a chair to take a picture.