Political climate = trance revival?

Is Trance Poised for a Comeback in Today’s Chaotic World?

Maybe this is naive, but I’ve been thinking—trance seems to be at a bit of a low point in the EDM spectrum right now. It’s still around, still has a loyal following, but it’s definitely not at the peak it once was.

But with the way things are going in the world—politics getting nastier, leadership feeling more cruel than inspiring, global uncertainty at an all-time high—could trance be primed for a resurgence?

One of the things that always set trance apart is its emotional depth and its connection to PLUR. More than any other subgenre, it brings people together, creates shared experiences, and taps into something bigger than just the music. And let’s be honest, with everything feeling so fractured and divisive, that sense of unity and emotional release seems more necessary than ever.

Could this climate help push a new wave of trance artists like VisionV and others into the spotlight? Maybe trance could even reclaim a higher spot in the EDM hierarchy? Or am I just wishfully thinking? Curious to hear what others think—does the world need trance now more than ever?