AP Creating Problems that Don’t Exist?

Hi, AP here that wants to know if any other APs do this.

When things are going well it’s good but the second something feels a little off I start searching for a potential problem. It’s gotten so bad to the point where even when things are good I am looking out to make sure everything is running smoothly. I start looking for problems in my partner to critique and then try and fix.

The key is that when my partner doesn’t things that never hurt me all of a sudden hurts me. Then when I look back on it, I wasn’t really hurt by it I just ...almost wanted to be upset? Like my brain won’t allow me to just be happy. This sucks so much because my DA partner and I have worked immensely to communicate and we are in a really good place right now. But all the worries and “looking for problems” makes me feel terrible because I KNOW I’m sabotaging the relationship even though I don’t want to. And yet I can’t stop.