(Spoilers Extended) Was a rebellion inevitable after Summerhall?

I was thinking earlier about HotD season 1, specifically the scene where Otto and Rhaenyra speak on the long stairs outside Dragonstone in the season finale. Otto makes the argument that Aegon holds all the symbols of legitimacy. That made me realize that by the time Egg was king, House Targaryen had lost all those symbols:

  • The dragons are all dead and gone
  • Blackfyre is gone
  • Dark Sister is gone
  • The Conqueror's crown is gone
  • Jaehaerys' crown is gone

All they have remaining are the Iron Throne itself and their collection of unhatched dragon eggs. Which, honestly, could also count as a negative since they can't get them to hatch. There's also the fact that between Egg's reforms and all his kids brushing aside their betrothals, the Targaryen's political influence has taken a major hit. Then comes the Tragedy of Summerhall, after which there are only a handful of Targaryens left.

Even if Aerys had never gone mad, is a rebellion inevitable due to how weak House Targaryen had become by that point, both symbolically and in terms of their political power?