Ranked past plat is way too easy
Okay so if you're someone who has played apex ranked for a few seasons including this one, the chances are you've definitely noticed how easy ranked is now. Like no disrespect to anyone, but I swear a big portion of the plat, diamond, and even master players in the recent seasons are FAR worse than they use to be and it really shows. So here are some of my suggestions and I'd like to hear yours too
- Higher entry costs above plat
entry costs are honestly too forgiving right now when combined with how easy it is to gain RP, you'll pretty much always end up higher in one gaming session.
Kills should be prioritized over placement
this is a pretty back and forth conversation on which one should count for more, but it should definitely be kills. Ever since reaspawn has tried making placement points count more than kills, rank distribution just plummets to the ground because imagine the game telling you "Hey, if you get X placement, you won't lose RP" obviously you'll have people adapt that playstyle across all ranks which just isn't healthy.
Queuing with friends above plat should be one rank difference, not two.
- pretty simple, once you hit plat, you can only pre que with either plats or diamonds. This stops the whole thing of having golds eithing getting carried, or just feeding other plat players RP, I also like to think this would maybe fix matchmaking where games have really wide rank ranges
- Increase RP gain when killing people who are qued together if you are solo queuing
-I've heard alot of people say "reduce entry cost for solo players" but honestly i think that isn't the answer, because now you just wanna lose less rp for free, because as annoying as it might be, I promise one match will probably have like 3..maybe 4 teams MAX that are 3 stacking. So instead of reducing entry, just give more RP for killing theese people. No need to punish people for having a team in a team game
- Diamond 3/2+ SHOULD que with masters/Preds
Now this will be a pretty controversial one but hear me out, when ranked first launched this is how it was...diamonds qued with preds naturally, then when masters got added, it got pushed to diamond 3. I think this is good because it creates a nice barrier between being a diamond player and a future master/pred player
- Ranked rewards No surprise here, ranks rewards kinda suck now, I've personally stopped caring about them since I already have my favorite ranked badges and rank trails but that's obviously not the case for a BIG majority of the playerbase, so add something...literally anything, apex packs, crafting mats, exclusive skins locked to that rank, literally anything. This would also give people a reason to atleast try if these changes were made, so que times wouldn't be terrible
That's all from me, let me know if I missed something and again, write your suggestions in what you'd like to see.. reaspawn please...make Ranked great again.