I need support and kind words ( Vent )

I am not sure where else to talk about this, and this subreddit for the most part has been making me feel a bit better, so I wanted to make a post about my current problem.

I’m scared of death, dying, and aging. I am especially afraid of the concept of just ceasing to exist. I have had small panic attacks about that concept since I was 15, but it got a lot worse last summer. I don’t know why, I am not sure where it came from. Maybe because I turned 20 and I feel like I’m going to die soon? Like I don’t have time left. Which I know is stupid, but I can’t help it. This week I have been barely functional, my house is a mess and I need to consume some sort of media to keep my mind off of death. I can’t think or do things without death being involved somehow. It might also be a hyperfixation ( I am autistic, and get fixated on things sometimes for long periods of time )? Which would suck.

The feeling and fear eases when I spend time with my boyfriend, read these types of subreddits or when I want to hurt myself. Which I have been thinking could also be the reason why my fear has grown. I have been abused and depressed for a big chunk of my childhood and teenage years, so finally when I am getting better, I fear dying?

I don’t know, I am just so confused and I have so many questions. I am sad, frightened and angry. I want to exist, forever. I want to remember, at least when I die. I want to know who I was, now, before and after. I want an afterlife where I can be with my cats, my boyfriend’s cats, my boyfriend and my grandparents. Or whoever they might be when they are souls, but I don’t want to lose them, or myself. I love myself so much, it doesn’t help that someone says that it won’t matter to me when I am dead, because I won’t be there. I don’t care, I want to be there.

Why are we here if we won’t exist? Why is anyone here? Why would we be intelligent enough to feel this shitty, if we are just some meat robots whose life purpose is to reproduce and populate? How does that even work for some of us, who aren’t capable of having, or wanting kids? And I am gay, so it wouldn’t even be my purpose. Why would we just wander aimlessly for about 80 years if we’re lucky, and then just disappear? That’s so stupid. What’s the point.

Sorry this is so messy, I am sobbing right now, a lot, lol.

I wish that the afterlife will be there, or, life that we just sometimes dive into these short experiences from. I wish when I die, I will feel like when I wake up from a very realistic nightmare, or when I finish a videogame or a movie. I want there to be relief. I want it to be there, forever.

I have had paranormal experiences, I think? And even few shared dream and paranormality related situations, and my boyfriend has had paranormal experiences, so I don’t know why I am doubting so much. Maybe because the majority of people don’t believe in the afterlife and force their belief on others, or maybe because I feel like no one else is terrified. I don’t understand how they can just live with the fact that there is death. And well, the most comforting thing is that my boyfriend believes we are soulmates, even when his beliefs are so different from mine.

I have been praying ( to anyone who is willing to listen, if there is someone ) that they would give me a sign, so I can live my life, and not fear for nothing, if there is something. I know that they might not be capable of helping me, but I am praying for answers.

Idk why I am posting this, venting helps. Please be kind in the comments, and sorry for my bad english, I am finnish