Why do we need to learn?
I’m no expert in afterlife or anything in particular. Sure I have read journey of souls and that kind of things. And also I’ve had some personal secondhand paranormal experience. What I mean by this.
Like my mom would wake me up in the middle of the night and be afraid and crying like mad. And I would ask “why” “what’s up”… and she would be like “someone in our family is dead, I just have been visited in my dream”. And sure enough in the morning there would be a phone call saying that someone got a heart attack and died or something else on another occasion. And even though there is like no waaaaay in hell this could be a coincidence, since my mom really never ever made any “false alarms”, then I am still skeptical, but given the fact that I know for sure my mom is not making this up, I am a little open minded to this whole thing about souls and an afterlife.
There is just one thing I don’t really understand with the whole concept. Why do we have to learn anything about living in the first place? Could our soul not just be created perfect, without the need of enlightenment? It seems like we need to go through a ton of suffering for some reason I don’t really get.
Why not just copy, paste gods information about suffering, loss, disaster and so on into our soul when we are created? What’s the point of going through it all unless there is maybe something our souls and our teachers don’t know themself and they want to learn it.
It’s like. What is the purpose of sending kids to school and maybe later college if they are smart enough and maybe in rare events they are so smart that they enter prestigious schools where they actually invent something new and now we suddenly posses new information we can use to develop our species further.
Maybe it’s the same with afterlife. People have to live life’s, so the whole afterlife community can gather some completely new information that they didn’t knew about before.
Because really. What’s the point if everything is just an experience that already exist beforehand being experienced? And what would the purpose of living the experience even be other than gather some information that we could just have had imprinted in our soul from the beginning of our creation instead.?