Investment help

Having a bit of trouble deciding where to use waveplates. I'm UL 55 so there's still a fair stretch before reaching 60 and being able to lvl 90 my main dps. My carlotta and changli feels decently built that farming echoes for them using waveplates I feel just wastes a lot more waveplates for little return.

I have a not fully invested encore, and unbuilt xiangli yao. Unsure which one to go all in because I heard xiangli yao is better with changli but I have stringmaster for encore, and no 5 star gauntlet for xiangli yao yet.

My taoqi is also hardly invested at all (just enough to survive and give outro). Would trying to build her for subdps even be worth it?

Other supports are admittedly not fully built but I feel like most of the investment I need on them would only give minimal increases (ex. my shorekeeper reaches 137 er with all buffs, its not max but I'm only missing about 2% crit and 5% cdmg), as well as needing to echo farm which would eat up the resources to improve my carlotta echoes. Which is also why I'm looking for an opinion, if y'all say I'm missing a significant portion of some of my supports' useability then I'll invest in them more.

My current characters:

Has investment

No investment (except taoqi with a little)

Character Investments:

I know sanhua isn't built but I find it hard to justify right now since my first team would be carlotta taoqi shorekeeper, and the 2nd is changli quickswap that could use either encore or xiangli yao so there isn't really a space for her right now. Suggestions for team comps are welcome as well, if you think I need to build her along with other characters.

Edit: Before you mention pull for zhezhi, I already tried and lost 50/50 on her lol. Also lost 50/50 on carlotta so I doubt I can get her now.

Also, I have Jinhsi's weapon, do you think it would still be worth it to pull on her on her rerun or just pull for new dps/support?