Streak 10: My Asperger's diagnosis
I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome with eighteen years old. The reason because I wasn't diagnosed in a short age was because my mother never attend to a doctor for a diagnosis. My mom told me that she suspected about me having autism/Asperger because I never spoke with others and when I played with my toys I didn't speak too.
I was diagnosed because I went to a doctor that is a... "neurocirujano" but I don't know how to say that in English, but he works with the brain and surgeries, and I went because I don't understand many behaviors of people and I felt anxious and a bit depressed, He diagnosed me with Asperger's and he told us that many Asperger's that are diagnosed tardly are because they attend for feeling anxious and depressed.
I remember that I used to play in strange ways. Well my toys were most dinosaurs and they sold them in little bags with 12 dinosaurs every one of them, and I used to organize all my toys like they went in the bags that we bought, and after that I used to count how many bags we already have bought in my entire life.
I was always sensible with touching things and food, for example I can't touch some walls because that makes me feel strange, it's a feeling like vertigo, fear to the high places. I always had problems with food I can't eat many things but now that I'm an adult I force me to eat those things. But some things I could never eat! I dislike the flavors and textures of some foods, but if the texture it's different even it's the same food I don't dislike it.
The most relatable part of Asperger it's that I like to talk about my interests and that's my favorite thing to do. But people who I live with are tired about hearing me talk about my topics so it's something that I do ocassionaly and with different people to not getting them tired haha.
The most difficult part about Asperger it's the social part. I only had a best friend and another new friend I made last year, but that's all. I never had many friends in my life but I have connected deeply with people sometimes, that has happened two times in my life and was wonderful. I don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend but I'm not worried about that, I think that there are a lot more to live than falling in love with people.
The good part it's that when I'm interested in something sometimes I could become good at it, like piano when I was younger and now I hope with mathematics I could become good at it. I need to talk about my story with mathematics because I wasn't good in mathematics when I was in High School, but in another moment.
There are a lot more to talk about my Asperger's but that's the most important things, thank you for reading my post!