Does anyone else kind of hate Justin?
While rewatching the show at an older age, I have come to realize that Justin is kind of the worst character.
Does anyone else hate him?
The show kind of took a turn with his character in the later seasons and made him a lot less likable. I think it was because they wanted us to like Alex more so they decided to make her look better by making him look worse...and it definitely worked (for me at least).
But my reasoning for hating him:
He is incredibly selfish and blames Alex for all of his problems. The biggest example of this is in the finale. He blames her for them being disqualified from the wizard competition when she saved two lives. Justin was more than willing to let his best friend die. He then went out of his way to be mean to her while working at the sub station. Another example is how upset Justin was when Alex won wizard of the year. Justin had almost destroyed the world by giving the angels of darkness the moral compass and Alex saved the world by stopping him. His message to Alex for the ceremony was horrible and only tried to change it when he found out it could affect his standing in the wizard competition. There are more examples that I do not really want to write out. I just really hate Justin Russo if you cant tell.
I'd love to hear any thoughts on this.