How Cena can succeed where Austin failed

Cena's heel turn has already had a major impact, and we haven't even seen(pun not intended) what heel Cena will actually look like yet.I think what will help us figure out what heel Cena should be like is look at the failure of Austin's infamous heel turn.

We could go on all day about why Austin's heel turn failed, but I think a big one is he didn't change enough. He looked the same, talked the same, and wrestled the same. It was largely the same Stone Cold just with some cowardly heel tendencies mixed in.

I think it was hard for the fans to boo him because he was still doing a lot of the things they liked. To really make the heel turn work, he should've gone corporate. Suits, big words, wine instead of beer, and maybe even change up his ring gear more. Maybe go back to tights and add more color. I know it all sounds hokey but considering he wound up doing a lot of comedy anyway why not?

I think Cena should do some similar things. Suits, monotone delivery, and new music. And the music shouldn't be a new rap or something else exciting, just make some generic corporate slop. Funny enough, id let Death Rebel produce the song cause that's exactly what they'd make.

I'd also have him go back to trunks and boots. And as final touch, instead of a hat and shirt have him wear a robe. Not just because it's classic heel entrance attire, but it'd also tie into him breaking Flair's record, the catalyst for his heel turn.

While Austin's heel turn was likely doomed for failure due to the time and place, I think more could been done to make him an effective heel. I think Cena needs to do this, take away everything recognizable and likeable about him.