Best Comedic Heel of All Time

Killing time by going back and watching old smackdown episodes. Heel Michael Cole is honestly hilarious and a gift to the WWE. So underrated.The coward heel archetype is phenomenal when well executed, and cutting a great chihuahua promo is the best way to do it.

Cole's buildup to his wrestlemania match with Jerry Lawler is peek mic work. His promo introducing Jack Swagger as his coach and the following matches he calls for Swagger is underrated classic work.

Killing time by going back and watching old smackdown episodes. Heel Michael Cole is honestly hilarious and a gift to the WWE. So underrated.The coward heel archetype is phenomenal when well executed, and cutting a great chihuahua promo is the best way to do it.

Cole's buildup to his wrestlemania match with Jerry Lawler is peek mic work. His promo introducing Jack Swagger as his coach and the following matches he calls for Swagger is underrated classic work.